Justice Department appoints special counsel for Hunter Biden… | WORLD
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Justice Department appoints special counsel for Hunter Biden probe

Attorney General Merrick Garland Associated Press/Photo by Stephanie Scarbrough

Justice Department appoints special counsel for Hunter Biden probe

U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland on Friday said that David Weiss, a U.S. attorney from Delaware, would serve as the special counsel. Weiss has already been investigating President Joe Biden’s son. Garland said that Weiss had asked for the position, saying that his investigation had reached the point where he needed to continue it as a special counsel.

How are Republicans reacting? House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy criticized the appointment of Weiss as the special counsel, questioning whether Weiss could be trusted with the investigation. He also criticized a plea deal that Hunter Biden had with the Justice Department, calling it a “sweetheart” bargain. The deal fell through. Republicans previously contrasted and criticized the special counsel investigating former President Donald Trump with what they characterized as gentle treatment of Biden’s son. House Republicans have mounted their own investigation into the financial dealings of the president’s family. 

Dig deeper: Listen to Mary Reichard’s discussion with Bobby Higdon on The World and Everything in It podcast about Trump and the younger Biden’s legal troubles.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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