Hunter Biden defies House Oversight Committee subpoena | WORLD
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Hunter Biden defies House Oversight Committee subpoena

Hunter Biden speaks to reporters on Capitol Hill. Associated Press/Photo by Jose Luis Magana

Hunter Biden defies House Oversight Committee subpoena

President Joe Biden’s son on Wednesday instead held a press conference on Capitol Hill. He repeated that he would answer questions from Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., but only in public. House Republicans on the committee had subpoenaed the younger Biden to appear on Wednesday for closed-door questioning. Hunter Biden insisted his father had no financial involvement in his business dealings. Hunter did acknowledge that he had made other mistakes in his life. He currently faces nine federal tax-related charges and three federal gun-related charges and has admitted to struggling with addiction.

What are Republicans doing about the situation? Later on Wednesday, Republicans on the Oversight Committee said they would initiate contempt of Congress proceedings against Hunter Biden. The House was expected to vote later on Wednesday on whether to formalize an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden. For months, Republicans have been investigating whether the president participated in what they call an “influence peddling” scheme with his family members’ business ventures. The White House has repeatedly denied that the president has done anything wrong.

Dig deeper: Read R. Albert Mohler Jr.’s column in WORLD Opinions about how the Hunter Biden investigations reflect on his father.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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