Harvard students allege anti-Semitism on campus in lawsuit | WORLD
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Harvard students allege anti-Semitism on campus in lawsuit

Six students filed a federal lawsuit against Harvard University on Wednesday, alleging that the university has become a “bastion” of anti-Semitism. The complaint accuses administrators of selectively enforcing the university’s anti-discrimination policies and ignoring petitions from Jewish students for protection. The complaint makes civil rights claims and seeks money for damages and relief by court injunctions, including disciplinary measures for some college staff, according to the students’ legal team.

What does Harvard say? The school did not comment on the lawsuit immediately Wednesday or early Thursday. The filing comes about a week after Harvard President Claudine Gay stepped down after receiving backlash for failing to condemn anti-Semitism on campus during a congressional hearing in December. The University of California, Berkeley, and New York University were also sued by Jewish groups last November for allegedly allowing rampant anti-Semitism on campus.

Dig deeper: Read Sharon Dierberger’s report in WORLD Magazine of on-campus clashes over pro-Palestinian protests and anti-Semitism.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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