Harris PAC launches ad pitting Billy Graham against Trump | WORLD
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Harris PAC launches ad pitting Billy Graham against Trump

President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump placing a wreath before the body of Rev. Billy Graham laying in state in the Capitol Associated Press/Photo by J. Scott Applewhite

Harris PAC launches ad pitting Billy Graham against Trump

The group Evangelicals for Harris released a new ad on Thursday featuring the late Rev. Billy Graham reading from 2 Timothy 3:1-5. The chapter contains the apostle Paul’s description of the behaviors of unregenerate men during the earth’s last days. Interspersed with the negative characteristics Graham reads from Paul’s letter are clips of statements made by former President Donald Trump. The placement of the clips is meant to imply that Trump bears those same negative characteristics. The group spent over $1 million on the ad in an attempt to win over battleground purple states, according to reporting by The Christian Post. Thursday’s release marked the second ad produced by Evangelicals for Harris using footage of Graham to campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris.

How has the Graham family responded? Franklin Graham, the late reverend’s son and president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, slammed the group’s first ad released in August. The liberals are using anything they can to promote candidate Harris and even made a misleading political ad using his father’s image, Franklin Graham responded in an August tweet. Maybe they don’t know how the late reverend appreciated Trump’s conservative values during the 2016 race and his opinion would not have changed were he alive, he added. Franklin Graham’s worship of Trump has caused him to forsake the Gospel, the group replied. This group will vote for Harris but will only worship Jesus, the post continued.

The same day Franklin slammed the group for using Graham’s likeness, Billy Graham’s granddaughter, Jerushah Duford, endorsed Harris in a pre-recorded statement played during an Evangelicals for Harris Zoom call. It was heartbreaking in 2016 when a man bragged about assaulting women and leaders of her faith touted him as a poster boy for godly manhood and leadership, she said, referencing Trump’s first White House campaign. She added that people who were curious about the teachings of Jesus have completely turned away from Him over the last eight years, and claimed that this presidential election is about much more than politics.

Dig deeper: Read my report on the unveiling of Billy Graham’s Capitol statue earlier this year.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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