Half-million attend island Mass led by Pope Francis | WORLD
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Half-million attend island Mass led by Pope Francis

Pope Francis waves out of the car to crowd Associated Press/Photo by Willy Kurniawan (pool)

Half-million attend island Mass led by Pope Francis

Local authorities estimate about 600,000 people—about half the population of East Timor –attended a Tuesday mass held by Pope Francis on the Pacific Asian island. The open air service took place in Tasitolu Park—where Pope John Paul II prayed in 1989 during the nation’s fight for independence from Indonesia. The recently formed Southeast Asian country is predominantly Catholic. Francis spoke about Isaiah 9:6 with a message that the birth of a child is a blessing and a reminder of humility. Do not be afraid to be small before God and do not fear giving up time or plans to make a brother or sister happy, the 87-year-old pontiff said.

What is the Pope doing in Pacific Asia? Francis arrived in Papua New Guinea on Sunday to kick off a 12-day tour through Asia-Pacific. He spoke to a crowd of about 10,000 young people in Papua New Guinea on Monday before traveling to East Timor’s capital of Dili. The pontiff plans to visit Indonesia and Singapore before the end of his nearly two-week tour.

Dig deeper: Read my report with Kim Henderson on recent tension in the Catholic church after the pope censured conservative clergy.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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