Haley does last-minute campaigning in Michigan despite losing… | WORLD
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Haley does last-minute campaigning in Michigan despite losing donors

Republican presidential candidate and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley Associated Press/Photo by Carlos Osorio

Haley does last-minute campaigning in Michigan despite losing donors

Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley on Monday was scheduled to appear at events in Michigan, a day ahead of that state’s primary election. Over the weekend, former President Donald Trump beat her in the primary at her home state of South Carolina. WORLD’s Election Center on Monday put the unofficial vote tally at roughly 60 percent of voters backing Trump and about 40 percent backing Haley.

Why is she still campaigning? In a post-primary speech in Charleston, S.C., Haley said: “I’m an accountant. I know 40 percent isn’t 50 percent. But I also know 40 percent is not some tiny group.” Before the primary, she had promised to continue campaigning even if she lost South Carolina.

What do other people think of her chances? Americans for Prosperity Action, the political arm of the Koch brothers’ network, said in a memo released Sunday that AFP Action would no longer be funding Haley’s campaign. While the group continues to endorse her, “we don’t believe any outside group can make a material difference to widen her path to victory,” according to AFP’s memo. The group plans to focus its resources on the House and Senate races.

Didn’t Haley find some positives in South Carolina’s results? WORLD’s Election Center shows Haley won three key counties in South Carolina—Richland, Beaufort, and Charleston. South Carolina’s Election Commission said residents could vote in either party’s primary, regardless of their party affiliation, as long as they didn’t vote in both primaries.

What’s going on with Trump? Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in a statement that she was stepping down from her role on March 8. Her co-chair, Drew McKissick, has said he, too, is stepping down. Trump earlier this month endorsed his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, Michael Whatley, and other officials to replace RNC leaders.

Dig deeper: Read Carolina Lumetta’s report in The Stew about how some voters want Haley but feel like Trump has a better chance of winning.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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