Gunman kills five and injures two in Philadelphia | WORLD
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Gunman kills five and injures two in Philadelphia

Police are investigating a mass shooting in southwest Philadelphia. The Philadelphia Inquirer/Photo by Yong Kim via AP

Gunman kills five and injures two in Philadelphia

The evening before the Fourth of July, police arrested a suspect in a shooting that killed five men and wounded two children. Police identified the suspect as 40-year-old Kimbrady Carriker. He was armed with a bulletproof vest, a rifle, a handgun, multiple magazines, and a police scanner, police said. Police also detained a second man thought to have fired back at the shooter. The wounded children, ages two and thirteen, were in stable condition on Tuesday. Police said Tuesday they didn’t know of any connections between the shooter and the victims.

How does this shooting compare to similar tragedies in Philadelphia? On the Fourth last year, a shooter opened fire on Benjamin Franklin Parkway during a concert and fireworks display in the city. He shot two police officers who both made a full recovery and were released from the hospital the same day.

Dig Deeper: Read Susan Olasky’s article on takeaways for Christians after two previous mass shootings.

Jeremy Abegg-Guzman

Jeremy Abegg-Guzman is a student at New Saint Andrews College and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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