Federal judge rules that Georgia must redraw congressional… | WORLD
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Federal judge rules that Georgia must redraw congressional maps

State Sen. John Kennedy, R-Macon, presents the newly-drawn congressional maps in the Georgia Senate Chambers in Nov. 2021. Associated Press/Photo by Hyosub Shin, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, file

Federal judge rules that Georgia must redraw congressional maps

A federal judge on Thursday ruled that several of Georgia’s state and congressional districts violate the Voting Rights Act because they established too few black-majority districts. The ruling says that Georgia’s black population has significantly grown in the last decade and that the districts should properly represent the changing demographics.

Will this affect the 2024 elections? Georgia has a Republican majority across its state government. The newly drawn districts could affect the size of that majority and next year's elections. The Governor of Georgia called for a special session near the end of November to redraw the districts, setting Dec. 8 as the deadline.

Dig deeper: Read Carolina Lumetta’s report in WORLD Magazine about the Democratic primary.

Johanna Huebscher

Johanna Huebscher is a graduate of Bob Jones University and the World Journalism Institute.

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