G7 countries promise long-term support for Ukraine | WORLD
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G7 countries promise long-term support for Ukraine

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addresses a media conference at a NATO summit in Vilnius, Lithuania on Wednesday Associated Press/Photo by Pavel Golovkin

G7 countries promise long-term support for Ukraine

The major industrial countries’ joint declaration on Wednesday commits to support Ukraine and provide new security assurances in their war against Russia. In a speech with the other Group of Seven leaders on the stage, President Biden promised that “Ukraine’s future lies in NATO.” However, NATO leaders did not provide a timetable for when Ukraine could join the alliance—something Ukraine is pushing for hard as NATO meets in Lithuania.

Why isn’t Ukraine allowed to join NATO now? NATO describes itself as an alliance guaranteeing the security of its members through military means. An attack on one country is an attack on all of NATO. Biden stated earlier this week that if Ukraine joined, the United States and NATO would be forced into conflict with Russia. G7 leaders don’t want to escalate the conflict, so Ukraine will likely be accepted into the alliance once the war comes to an end.

Dig deeper: Read John Dawson’s report in WORLD Magazine on statistics about Finland joining NATO.

Tobin Jacobson

Tobin Jacobson is a student at Patrick Henry College and the World Journalism Institute.

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