From New Hampshire to Hawaii, polls open for Election Day | WORLD
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From New Hampshire to Hawaii, polls open for Election Day

American voters across the country took to the polls Tuesday morning to decide who will be the country’s next president and which party will control the houses of Congress. The first voting locations to open on the East Coast were in Vermont where some polling places opened at 5 a.m. Some other eastern states opened polls at 6 a.m. while the majority opened an hour later. Across the country, more voting locations will open every hour until polling places in Hawaii open at noon Eastern Time.

What about early voting? More than 83 million Americans chose to cast their ballots before Election Day, according to an early vote tracker project coordinated by University of Florida Professor Michael McDonald. More than half of those were cast in-person while the remaining votes were mail ballots. In states that report party registration data, 37.8% of early votes were cast by registered Democrats and 35.8% by Republicans. Slightly over a quarter of the early votes were made by people who either were not affiliated with any party or who were registered with smaller parties. Citizens over the age of 41 accounted for the majority of ballots cast before Tuesday morning, according to The University of Florida Election Lab.

Have any results been calculated yet? While polling places will not begin counting votes until after locations close, one small community in New Hampshire at midnight cast the nation’s first in-person Election Day votes in the nation. All six residents of Dixville Notch cast their votes in the presidential races as they have done since 1960. This year the votes split evenly with three ballots for Vice President Kamala Harris and three ballots for former President Donald Trump.

Dig deeper: Follow our Election Center for live updates and more election coverage.

Lauren Canterberry

Lauren Canterberry is a reporter for WORLD. She graduated from the World Journalism Institute and the University of Georgia with a degree in journalism, both in 2017. She worked as a local reporter in Texas and now lives in Georgia with her husband.

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