Former Sen. Bob Dole dies at age 98 | WORLD
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Former Sen. Bob Dole dies at age 98

Bob Dole in 2006 at the U.S. Capitol Associated Press/Photo by Lawrence Jackson, file

Former Sen. Bob Dole dies at age 98

Flags are flying at half-staff today in honor of Bob Dole, a former Republican senator and war hero. Dole fought in World War II and suffered injuries that left his right arm paralyzed. He went on to have a long career in politics, representing his home state of Kansas on Capitol Hill for nearly 36 years.

What was his political career like? He was known as a shrewd and pragmatic negotiator who played key roles in developing tax policy, farm and nutrition programs, and protections for the disabled. He made three unsuccessful attempts at the presidency, losing the last time to Bill Clinton in 1996. Once out of office, Dole dedicated his time to helping veterans. He pushed for the construction of the World War II Memorial, and he regularly met with veterans there well into his 90s. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth Dole, herself a former senator from North Carolina, and his daughter Robin, from his first marriage to Phyllis Holden.

Kent Covington

Kent is a reporter and news anchor for WORLD Radio. He spent nearly two decades in Christian and news/talk radio before joining WORLD in 2012. He resides in Atlanta, Ga.


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