FBI: GOP baseball practice shooter acted alone | WORLD
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FBI: GOP baseball practice shooter acted alone

An FBI agent distributes flyers seeking information about James T. Hodgkinson. Associated Press/Photo by Alex Brandon

FBI: GOP baseball practice shooter acted alone

FBI officials said Wednesday the man who opened fire at a GOP congressional baseball practice last week, injuring five people, acted alone and was not connected to any larger terror threat. Investigators said the shooter, James T. Hodgkinson, did not appear to suffer from any documented mental illness but did have anger problems. In 2006, Illinois law enforcement officers arrested Hodgkinson on a domestic violence charge. But Andrew Vale, the FBI’s assistant director in charge of the Washington Field Office, said last week’s shooting clearly wasn’t a random act of violence. Hodgkinson had a list naming six Republican lawmakers in his pocket at the time of the shooting and researched the Republican National Convention online the night before. Hodgkinson shot House Majority Whip Steve Scalise, R-La., in the hip and Tyson Foods lobbyist Matt Mika in the chest. Both remain in the hospital. The three other victims, a GOP congressional staffer and two Capitol police officers, expect to make full recoveries. Police shot Hodgkinson at the scene and he later died from his injuries.

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Evan Wilt Evan is a World Journalism Institute graduate and a former WORLD reporter.

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