Elon Musk to audit government if elected, Trump says | WORLD
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Elon Musk to audit government if elected, Trump says

Republican presidential nominee former President Donald Trump (left) and Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon Musk (right) Associated Press/Photo by Alex Brandon (Left) and Czarek Sokolowski

Elon Musk to audit government if elected, Trump says

Former President Donald Trump told business leaders on Thursday about his plan for a government efficiency commission led by the tech billionaire. The commission would recommend drastic reforms to cut fraud payments and save taxpayers trillions, he said. Trump also vowed to the crowd at the Economic Club of New York that if he returned to the White House, he would cut 10 regulations for every new one enacted. Elon Musk accepted Trump’s proposal by saying he would serve without any payment or recognition. Trump praised the entrepreneur last month for his financial prudence during a live-streamed conversation with Musk, referring to him as “the greatest cutter.” Musk served on some of Trump’s White House councils in 2017 before leaving over a disagreement over the Paris climate agreement.

How does Kamala Harris’ plan compare to Trump’s? The current vice president publicized more of her economic plan on Wednesday, with the plan of raising the capital gains tax rate. She also shared plans to cut taxes and red tape for small businesses, with a goal of seeing a record 25 million applications to start new small businesses. The Harris-Walz economic plan will help small business owners get the confidence, capital, and security to get more ventures off the ground, she said in a social media post on Wednesday.

Dig deeper: Read Carolina Lumetta’s report for more about Harris’ policy promises.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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