Dede Robertson, co-founder of CBN, has died | WORLD
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Dede Robertson, co-founder of CBN, has died

Dede and Pat Robertson in 1988 at the Republican National Convention in New Orleans

Dede Robertson, co-founder of CBN, has died

Adelia “Dede” Robertson, a founding board member of the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), died Tuesday in Virginia Beach. She was 94 years old. Dede is best known for working alongside her husband of 68 years, religious broadcaster Pat Robertson. They had four children.

What were Dede Robertson’s accomplishments? Pat and Dede Robertson founded CBN in 1961, where Pat hosted the flagship show, The 700 Club, for more than 50 years. When Pat ran on the Republican ticket for president in 1988, Dede campaigned by his side and was the “glue that held the Robertson family together,” her son Gordon said. Dede also served on the board of Regent University. An advocate for women’s human rights, she represented the U.S. on the Inter-American Commission of Women. She was “a woman of great faith [and] a champion of the gospel,” her husband said.

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