Congressman-elect dies of COVID complications | WORLD
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Congressman-elect dies of COVID complications

Luke Letlow during his campaign for Congress Associated Press/Photo by Melinda Deslatte (file)

Congressman-elect dies of COVID complications

Luke Letlow, a Republican recently elected to Congress in a Dec. 5 runoff for Louisiana’s 5th District, died Tuesday of COVID-19 complications at age 41. He was admitted to the hospital in Monroe, La., on Dec. 19 after testing positive for the coronavirus. Doctors eventually transferred him to a larger facility in Shreveport and placed him in intensive care. He had no known underlying health conditions. He leaves behind a wife and two young children.

What will happen to Letlow’s seat in Congress? A spokeswoman for Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards said the governor will call a special election in March to fill the seat. Letlow would have been sworn in on Sunday.

Dig deeper? Read a report by Susan Olasky in WORLD Magazine about other deaths this year.

Timothy Lamer

Tim is editor-at-large for WORLD News Group. His work has also appeared in The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Post, and The Weekly Standard.

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