Congress considers new immigration package as Title 42 ends | WORLD
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Congress considers new immigration package as Title 42 ends

U.S. Border Patrol is preparing for an influx of immigrants. Associated Press/Photo by Veronica G. Cardenas

Congress considers new immigration package as Title 42 ends

The House of Representatives is set to vote Thursday on a Republican-backed border security package. The bill would make law some of former President Donald Trump’s policies, including the “Remain in Mexico” program that requires immigrants seeking asylum to stay in Mexico until their immigration court date. The legislation would also allocate more resources to security at the border and restart border wall construction. A bipartisan group of senators last week introduced a similar bill. Neither measure is likely to be passed before Title 42 expires on Thursday.

What will happen when Title 42 ends? Title 42 allowed federal authorities to quickly expel migrants during the pandemic, and its expiration could prompt more illegal crossings. United States Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Troy Miller in April told lawmakers that up to 10,000 migrants per day could try to enter the country illegally after the COVID-era policy ends—nearly double the daily average in March.

Dig deeper: Read Addie Offereins’ report in WORLD Magazine about the economic impact of immigration on business owners near the border.

Lauren Canterberry

Lauren Canterberry is a reporter for WORLD. She graduated from the World Journalism Institute and the University of Georgia with a degree in journalism, both in 2017. She worked as a local reporter in Texas and now lives in Georgia with her husband.

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