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Coalition within Church of England threatens split over gay-affirming proposal

View inside the historic Anglican church, Westminster Abbey Associated Press/Photo by Dan Kitwood (pool)

Coalition within Church of England threatens split over gay-affirming proposal

A group of church leaders penned an open letter to archbishops on Wednesday and cautioned against approving a measure that would affirm the practice of homosexuality at an upcoming meeting of the church’s legislative body, known as the General Synod. Leaders will discuss and potentially enact a measure allowing same-sex couples to hold stand-alone church services. The dissenting church leaders, known as The Alliance, argue that such a measure would depart from essential church doctrine and undermine Biblical marriage. If the measure is passed, those faithful to Church doctrine will have no choice but to form what The Alliance characterized as a parallel Province within the denomination. This sector would remain within the Church of England and seek oversight from leaders faithful to orthodox teachings on marriage and sexuality, the letter stated.

A separate group of nearly a dozen bishops also shared their rejection of the proposal in an opinion piece published Wednesday. These proposals will jeopardize the unity of the church’s mission and global partnerships, the bishops stated. The Alliance also noted the unintended consequences of enacting pro-LGBTQ doctrine like disenfranchising views of the South American and African churches.

What would be the purpose of a stand-alone service for gay couples? Church members with Biblically orthodox beliefs hold that a private religious service for a same-sex couple too closely mimics a marriage ceremony. The General Synod also passed church legislation last year to allow priests to bless same-sex couples during public, communal worship services. Some churchgoers worry that private services may morph into blessings at private services and mimic the sacrament of marriage.

Dig deeper: Read my reports on the Catholic church allowing priests to bless same-sex couples and the United Methodist removing gender from its description of biblical marriage.

Christina Grube

Christina Grube is a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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