Car crashes into vehicle in President Biden’s motorcade | WORLD
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Car crashes into vehicle in President Biden’s motorcade

A sedan drove into a parked U.S. Secret Service armored SUV outside President Joe Biden’s campaign headquarters in Wilmington, Del., on Sunday night. The crash did not result in any injuries. After the sedan hit the SUV, the unnamed driver tried to continue into a closed-off intersection. Secret Service agents surrounded the car and pulled weapons on the driver, who had his hands up, according to a pool report.

Why did the driver hit the motorcade? Wilmington Police Department spokesperson David Karas said that local officers were investigating the collision and trying to determine if impairment was a factor. In another statement, Secret Service Special Agent Steve Kopek said there was no protective interest associated with this event and that the president's motorcade left without incident.

Dig deeper: Read Leo Briceno’s report in Roundups on the House voting to formalize an impeachment inquiry into Biden.

Tobin Jacobson

Tobin Jacobson is a student at Patrick Henry College and the World Journalism Institute.

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