California vehicle standards overruled | WORLD
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California vehicle standards overruled

Vehicles on Interstate 80 cross the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge in California. Associated Press/Photo by Ben Margot (file)

California vehicle standards overruled

The Trump administration is revoking a waiver that allows California to set its own vehicle efficiency standards, which are higher than federal requirements. California Attorney General Xavier Becerra has already vowed to fight the move in court.

Why make California change its standards? President Donald Trump contends that having two different rules burdens automakers. The Justice Department recently opened an antitrust investigation into a deal between California and four automakers for tougher pollution and related mileage requirements than those sought by Trump. The nation’s car manufacturers say they want to keep improving the fuel efficiency of their vehicles but would rather have one national standard.

Dig deeper: Read in the WORLD archives about California’s efforts in the past to pin climate change on automakers, including a lawsuit against the world’s six largest auto companies.

Harvest Prude

Harvest is a former political reporter for WORLD’s Washington Bureau. She is a World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College graduate.


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