Bimbo Bakeries mislabeled allergen warnings on food, FDA says | WORLD
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Bimbo Bakeries mislabeled allergen warnings on food, FDA says

Bimbo Bakeries mislabeled allergen warnings on food, FDA says

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration on Tuesday warned a commercial baking company to stop labeling allergens as ingredients when they are not in the products. The warning letter came after FDA inspectors found in 2023 that Bimbo Bakeries USA inaccurately listed allergens such as sesame and tree nuts as ingredients in its products. The Bakery is corresponding with the FDA to resolve the matter, Bimbo Bakeries USA said in a statement provided to WORLD. The company takes its role to protect consumers with allergen sensitivities very seriously, it said. The FDA said in the warning that labeling products as containing allergens is not a substitute for preventing cross-contact of allergens.

What started this? A law passed in 2021 eventually added sesame, a common baking ingredient, to an official list of major food allergens. To avoid unintentional cross-contamination between products made at the same commercial bakery, some companies reportedly cut out the guesswork, adding amounts of sesame to products that didn’t already have the ingredient. The FDA found this wasn’t technically against the law. But the agency said Tuesday that food labels must be truthful.

What products were mislabeled? Products from two of the company’s brands, Sara Lee and Brownberry, were listed as having inaccurate labels. Inspectors found that sesame was inaccurately labeled as an ingredient in Sara Lee’s Artesano Brioche, Delightful Multigrain, Artesano Golden Wheat, and Artesano Smooth Multigrain breads. Inspectors also found walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts were inaccurately listed as ingredients in Brownberry’s Whole Grains 12 Grains and Seeds bread. The FDA conducted inspections at company facilities in Phoenix, Ariz., and Topeka, Kan.

What is Bimbo Bakeries USA? The company is the U.S. branch of an international baking company based in Mexico City. Bimbo Bakeries USA is the largest commercial baking company in the United States, according to the company’s website.

Elizabeth Moeller

Elizabeth Moeller is a breaking news intern for WORLD and a graduate of the World Journalism Institute.

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