Bible tweet case appealed to Finnish Supreme Court | WORLD
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Bible tweet case appealed to Finnish Supreme Court

Finnish politician Päivi Räsänen speaking to reporters. Alliance Defending Freedom International

Bible tweet case appealed to Finnish Supreme Court

Finnish prosecutors plan to appeal a second unanimous “not guilty” court decision, according to a statement Friday from Alliance Defending Freedom International. In 2021, Finnish authorities charged former Minister of the Interior Päivi Räsänen with “hate speech” after she posted a photo of some Bible verses from the book of Romans on X, previously Twitter, in 2019. The Helsinki Court of Appeals decision—which prosecutors are now appealing—followed a previous unanimous “not guilty” verdict at the district court level. Finland’s Supreme Court would be next in line to hear the case.

This is all about a tweet? An investigation expanded to include a radio interview she had about marriage and ethics that same year, and even a church pamphlet she wrote 15 years earlier, according to ADF. Räsänen has served as a member of Finland’s parliament for nearly 40 years.

Dig deeper: Read Liz Lykin’s report in World Tour about Räsänen’s second court victory.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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