Amazon ordering workers back to the office five days a week | WORLD
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Amazon ordering workers back to the office five days a week

The Amazon campus outside the company headquarters in Seattle is shown on March 20, 2020. The Associated Press/Photo by Elaine Thompson, File

Amazon ordering workers back to the office five days a week

It’s easier for Amazon employees to learn, model, practice, and strengthen the company’s culture from in the office, Amazon CEO Andy Jassy said in a memo to the company Monday. So starting Jan. 2, 2025, Amazon corporate workers will be expected to come into the office five days a week. Currently, most are required to be in the office three days a week. The move returns the company to the requirements and exceptions of the pre-pandemic office.

Are other companies following suit?Walmart required its corporate employees to follow a hybrid schedule earlier this year, according to FOX Business. Apple employees have been following a hybrid schedule for years, though there have been some complaints from workers about requirements that they return to the office. About 30 percent of companies that went fully remote during the COVID-19 pandemic have returned to the office full-time, according to a survey of 764 companies by Resume Builder. Nearly 90 percent of companies surveyed will return to the office at least part-time by 2025.

Mary Muncy

Mary Muncy is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. She graduated from World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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