911 call may have “lured” New England officers to ambush | WORLD
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911 call may have “lured” New England officers to ambush

Police from towns across Connecticut stand at the scene of the shooting Associated Press/Photo by Jessica Hill

911 call may have “lured” New England officers to ambush

Two Bristol, Connecticut officers were shot and one was wounded after apparently being lured into an ambush with a 911 call alleging a domestic violence incident between two brothers. State police called the 911 call “a deliberate act” to draw officers to the scene. One of the officers died on the scene, and the other died later at the hospital. The wounded officer is expected to recover. One of the suspects died at the scene, while the other was wounded and later hospitalized.

Is this sort of thing common? This is the latest of several shootings of police around the country in the last two days. On Tuesday night in Mississippi, gunfire killed a Greenville Police Department detective and wounded several others. Early Wednesday, a man wanted for homicide wounded three Philadelphia police officers during a SWAT raid on a home, and in Illinois, a motorist wounded two police officers conducting a traffic stop. Late Wednesday, a bulletproof vest saved a sheriff's deputy’s life in central Florida after he was shot in the chest while investigating a domestic disturbance report. A Las Vegas police officer received fatal wounds early Thursday after he and a partner stopped a vehicle while answering a domestic violence call.

Dig deeper: Read Sharon Dierberger’s report from the WORLD archives about people working for peace on the streets in Minnesota’s Twin Cities.

Josh Schumacher

Josh is a breaking news reporter for WORLD. He’s a graduate of World Journalism Institute and Patrick Henry College.

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