WORLD’s Top 25 articles and columns for 2017 | WORLD
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WORLD’s Top 25 articles and columns for 2017

Our year-end countdown of the stories that generated the most reader traffic

Some of the faces from WORLD’s top stories in 2017 (from left, top to bottom): movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, Kansas rancher Greg Gardiner, U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore, Sen. Al Franken, a baby with Downs syndrome, evolutionist Francis Collins, former transgender Walt Heyer, former LGBT activist Robert Wenham, Reformed theologian R.C. Sproul, WORLD Daniel of the Year Joni Eareckson Tada, cancer-battler Esther Ybarra, illustration of a transgender teen, Bryan College President Stephen Livesay, Colorado baker Jack Phillips, Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, President Donald Trump, retired Coast Guard Vice Adm. William “Dean” Lee, and radio host Garrison Keillor Images (from left, top to bottom) by AP, Julie Tucker, AP, AP, Dyuvbanova, AP, Steve Craft, Layne Beckner Grime/Genesis, Ligonier, Gary Fong/Genesis, handout, Krieg Barrie, Shawn Poynter/The New York Times/Redux, AP, AP, AP, Patrick Kelley/U.S. Coast Guard, AP

WORLD’s Top 25 articles and columns for 2017

In 2017, we witnessed tragedy and scandal. We celebrated a theological anniversary and said goodbye to a gifted Reformed communicator. As Christians, we responded to issues concerning our origins and the way God made us. As Americans, we fought for our rights to life and liberty. WORLD covered these stories throughout the year in our magazine, on our website, and on our podcast. Here are the Top 25 articles and columns that grabbed your attention the most.

25. Trump nominates Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court

The president’s pick resembles Justice Antonin Scalia in philosophy and writing style

by Emily Belz Jan. 31 | WORLD Digital

24. Trump’s stance on LGBT order stuns religious liberty advocates

The president plans to keep a controversial Obama administration rule

by Evan Wilt Jan. 31 | WORLD Digital

23. Garrison Keillor fired for inappropriate behavior

Minnesota Public Radio announced Wednesday it had fired Garrison Keillor, the former host of A Prairie Home Companion, over accusations of improper behavior with ‘an individual who worked with him’

by Lynde Langdon & Kiley Crossland Nov. 29 | WORLD Digital | The Sift

22. Trump narrows Supreme Court list to four

The president is expected to announce a nominee on Feb. 2

by Emily Belz & J.C. Derrick Jan. 26 | WORLD Digital

21. Not so Golden Globes

The astounding arrogance, superiority, and hypocrisy of Hollywood’s elite

by Cal Thomas Jan. 12 | WORLD Digital

20. More than inspirational

Joni Eareckson Tada’s half-century as a quadriplegic and a disabilities advocate is far more than a story of human endurance. It’s a Christ-exalting example of a courageous truth Christians don’t always embrace: ‘When I am weak, then I am strong’

by Jamie Dean Nov. 25 | WORLD Magazine | Cover Story

19. Beyond politics

Evaluating accusations of sexual misconduct

by Marvin Olasky Nov. 17 | WORLD Magazine | Voices

18. Evolution vs. the Bible

Francis Collins and BioLogos seek a different story of our origins than the one told in Genesis

by Elizabeth Handford Nov. 18 | WORLD Digital | Saturday Series

17. A great sexual reckoning

A flood of harassment cases reminds us that sex is sacred and transgression is costly. Yet even in a fallen world, faithful men and women can treat one another with honor

by Mindy Belz Dec. 30 | WORLD Magazine | Features

16. Too young to cross a street but old enough for a sex change

American Academy of Pediatrics offers opposing views of children’s cognitive abilities

by Julie Borg May 4 | WORLD Digital

15. Uncaging the lion

R.C. Sproul, who died Thursday at age 78, on teaching, preaching, and the crisis within evangelicalism

by Joel Belz Dec. 15 | WORLD Magazine | Q&A

14. Malaysian pastor kidnapped after helping Muslims

Police have arrested a suspect but have not found Pastor Raymond Koh Keng Joo

by Angela Lu Fulton March 13 | WORLD Digital

13. Suffer the children

Some say the growing rush to label children ‘transgender’ promotes physician-approved child abuse. But speaking out against the practice provokes ire. Who will defend the vulnerable?

by Jamie Dean April 15 | WORLD Magazine | Cover Story

12. Civil war at a Christian college

Chronicling three sad years of conflict on the Bryan College campus

by Marvin Olasky Sept. 2 | WORLD Magazine | Features

11. Unexpected footprints deal blow to evolution

New fossil find puts early humans outside the framework of Darwinism

by Julie Borg Sept. 28 | WORLD Digital | Beginnings

10. All eyes on Kennedy

A Christian cake baker had a good day in court

by Emily Belz Dec. 5 | WORLD Magazine | Features

9. Ohio passes Down syndrome abortion ban

Pro-life advocates are confident Gov. John Kasich will sign the law

by Samantha Gobba Dec. 18 | WORLD Digital | Vitals

8. Evangelicals and Roy Moore

Giving candidates we like a moral pass debases our culture

by Marvin Olasky Nov. 13 | WORLD Magazine | Voices

7. Risking his three stars

Retired Coast Guard Vice Adm. William ‘Dean’ Lee’s principled stand for religious liberty in the military

by J.C. Derrick Jan. 28 | WORLD Digital | Saturday Series

6. Burying vs. burning

A preference and a proposal for Christians to choose burial instead of cremation

by John Piper July 8 | WORLD Digital | Saturday Series

5. Esther’s story

In a state known for legal assisted suicide, one terminally ill young woman instead chose to live each God-given day to its fullest

by Sophia Lee Oct. 14 | WORLD Magazine | Features

4. Walt’s story

Walt Heyer is a man again, and he has a manly purpose: protect the vulnerable from the transgender movement

by Sophia Lee April 15 | WORLD Magazine | Features

3. Ranchers who survived wildfires face crippling losses

Last week’s fires on the Plains could disrupt the beef industry in the long-term

by Jill Nelson March 15 | WORLD Digital

2. The case of the Texas fire

An unexpected turn of events in the life of Hank the Cowdog author John R. Erickson

by Marvin Olasky April 1 | WORLD Magazine | Features

1. Sounding the alarm

Many transgender persons regret what they did to their bodies and souls, and some are pleading that others not repeat their mistake

by Sophia Lee April 15 | WORLD Magazine | Features

Mickey McLean

Mickey is executive editor of WORLD Digital and is a member of WORLD’s Editorial Council. He resides in Opelika, Ala.



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