How to download WORLD Radio podcasts on your phone
If you have an iPhone: By default, Apple includes the Podcasts app. Please click the Podcasts icon on your phone to launch the app.
If you have an Android: Choose your favorite podcast app (e.g., PodCast Addict, TuneIn Radio, CastBox, Stitcher), download and open it. (Some apps require registration or you may not see WORLD Radio podcasts).
Then search for and subscribe (free) to the daily news program The World and Everything in It or the interview program Listening In.
If you’d like additional help, please feel free to click “Live Chat,” the blue box to the far right of your screen, to chat with one of our friendly, knowledgeable Member Services representatives. Or call 828-435-2981, Monday–Friday (except holidays), 9 a.m.–7 p.m. ET.
Email: | Fax: 828-253-1556