The World and Everything in It - September 22, 2021 | WORLD
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The World and Everything in It - September 22, 2021


WORLD Radio - The World and Everything in It - September 22, 2021

On Washington Wednesday, the Democrats’ push to raise taxes; on World Tour, starvation in Ethiopia and a politically motivated trial in Rwanda; and an Afghan family settles into their new U.S. home. Plus: commentary from Janie B. Cheaney, and the Wednesday morning news.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Good morning!

Democrats are looking to raise taxes to fund their massive spending spree.

NICK EICHER, HOST: That’s ahead on Washington Wednesday.

Also World Tour.

Plus, WORLD’s Jill Nelson visits with an Afghan immigrant family living in America.

And WORLD commentator Janie B. Cheaney on a properly patriotic education.

REICHARD: It’s Wednesday, September 22nd. This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Mary Reichard.

EICHER: And I’m Nick Eicher. Good morning!

REICHARD: It’s time for the news. Here’s Kent Covington.

KENT COVINGTON, NEWS ANCHOR: Biden addresses United Nations » President Joe Biden delivered his first speech before the UN General Assembly on Tuesday.

BIDEN: We stand in my view at an inflection point in history.

With international leaders questioning some of his policy and military decisions, he called for global unity in dealing with the pandemic, climate change, and human rights abuses.

The United States recently announced an Indo-Pacific nuclear agreement with the UK and Australia—a move to curb China’s power in the region.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres impolored the U.S. and China to repair their—quote—“dysfunctional relationship.”

Biden responded to that urging on Tuesday...

BIDEN: We are not seeking a new Cold War or a world divided into rigid blocks. The United States is ready to work with any nation that steps up and pursues peaceful resolution to shared challenges.

Meanwhile, France has recalled its ambassadors to Australia and the United States in protest of how the new alliance was formed.

Biden also defended the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan, signaling an administration focus to avoid the use of force. He said the administration is launching a—quote—“new era of relentless diplomacy.”

Wray: Afghanistan unrest could inspire extremism inside US » The possibility of another 9/11-type attack has diminished over the last 20 years, but the Taliban victory in Afghanistan could embolden extremists—both foreign and domestic.

That was the warning from top national security officials on Tuesday. FBI Director Christopher Wray told the Senate Homeland Security Committee...

WRAY: The greatest terrorist threat we face here in the U.S. is from what are in effect lone actors, because they act alone and move quickly from radicalization to action, often using easily attainable weapons against soft targets.

Wray said the domestic terrorism caseload has “exploded" since the spring of 2020 from about 1,000 investigations to around 2,700.

He added—quote—“We are concerned that, with developments in Afghanistan—among other things—that there will [provide] more inspiration" to terrorists.

He said intel officials expect threats, both at home and abroad to grow in the coming months and years.

DHS head says images from border 'horrified' him » Also in Senate Testimony Tuesday, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas commented on a controversy at the southern border.

Pictures that appear to show a Border Patrol agent on horseback using his long leather reins to lash at Haitian migrants prompted outrage. Mayorkas told lawmakers ...

MAYORKAS: I was horrified to see the images and we look forward to learning the facts that are adduced from the situation, and we will take actions that those facts compel.

Some of the mounted agents use their horses to forcibly move and block the migrants. But Mayorkas said “Any mistreatment or abuse of a migrant is unacceptable.” The matter is under investigation.

U.S. govt. continues to ramp up expulsion flights to Haiti » Mayorkas said the U.S. government is stepping up efforts to deal with Haitian migrant crisis at the border.

MAYORKAS: We have increased the number of repatriation flights to Haiti and to other third countries. The size of the population in Del Rio, Texas has decreased considerably.

But thousands of people remain at the camp in Texas. Over the weekend, close to 15,000 mostly Haitian migrants amassed along the border in the Del Rio area.

Vice president of the National Border Patrol Council said the Biden administration is to blame for the Haitian migrant crisis within the broader border crisis. Art Del Cueto said Tuesday…

CUETO: They were warned, they were told that they needed to put some south-sided facility, and they ignored everything. This chaos that we’re seeing all falls on this administration’s lack of willingness to see that there was a problem and trying to fix the situation.

As the U.S. government ramped up expulsion flights to Haiti, Mexico also began flying and busing some away from the border.

Dozens of migrants upset about being deported to Haiti tried to rush back into a plane that landed Tuesday afternoon in Port-au-Prince as they yelled at authorities. Some began throwing rocks and shoes at the plane.

And in South Texas, a group of migrants reportedly fought with Border Patrol agents and seized control of a bus when they realized they were being deported. ABC News 3 in Corpus Christi reports that the migrants then fled the bus on foot before law enforcement officers tracked them down.

J&J: Booster dose of its COVID shot prompts strong response » Johnson & Johnson said Tuesday that a booster of its one-shot coronavirus vaccine provides a stronger protection against COVID-19. WORLD’s Anna Johansen Brown has more.

ANNA JOHANSEN BROWN, REPORTER: The J&J vaccine rolled out in February as a one-shot alternative to Pfizer and Moderna. But all along, the company was running a global test of whether a two-dose course might be more effective.

The company said a second dose 56 days after the first was 75 percent effective globally at preventing moderate to severe COVID-19, and 95 percent effective in the U.S. alone.

The difference between those two numbers was likely due to which variants were circulating in different countries during the study.

Examined a different way, the company said when people got a second J&J shot two months after the first, levels of antibodies rose four to six times higher. But giving a booster dose six months after the first shot yielded a 12-fold increase.

J&J said it has provided the data to the FDA and European regulators.

Reporting for WORLD, I’m Anna Johansen Brown.

I’m Kent Covington. Straight ahead: taxes and spending.

Plus, teaching American children to love their country.

This is The World and Everything in It.

NICK EICHER, HOST: It’s Wednesday the 22nd of September, 2021.

Glad to have you along for today’s edition of The World and Everything in It. Good morning, I’m Nick Eicher.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: And I’m Mary Reichard.

First up today: The potential multi-trillion-dollar tax hikes to fund the Democrats’ massive spending plan.

Democrats are still working to craft and pass a bill based on President Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending proposal. And last week, they unveiled a plan to pay for it partially with more than 40 separate tax hikes—adding up to about $2 trillion.

EICHER: Democrat party leaders still have work to do to win over two moderate Senate Democrats who have strong reservations about the size of the spending package.

But if they do manage to push a bill across the finish line, what impact might those trillions in tax increases have on the U.S. economy?

REICHARD: Joining us now to help answer that question and others is Jeff Haymond with Cedarville University in Ohio. He is the Dean of the School of Business Administration and Professor of Economics. 

Professor, good morning!

JEFF HAYMOND, GUEST: Good morning.

REICHARD: Well, among the proposed increases, the plan would raise the top marginal income tax rate to 39.6 percent. That’s up from 37 percent. It would also impose a new 3 percent surtax on people making more than $5 million.

Now, for our listeners who are not in that income category, is there any reason they should care?

HAYMOND: Sure, I mean it one level, we've got to consider both sides of the equation here. We have to be aware that this is to fund a large increase in government expenditure. And at one level, that's going to take additional resources that could have been used in the private sector. So we can never forget that aspect of it. As the government gets bigger, necessarily the private sector gets smaller.

Then for the actual taxes itself, I mean, we know that everyone responds to incentives. An old saying is if you want more of something, subsidize it. If you want less of something, you tax it. So at one level, they realize that this would discourage the incentive to do the behavior that's being taxed. But on the other hand, they assume that for rich people, somehow they're just going to keep going out and making the same level of income and we know that rich people have a lot of options that maybe poor people do not have. So we can count on some change in behavior: how much it will be in the future, change in behavior in terms of production or change in compensation in the way they receive compensation. All that's going to be an adaptation to the new institutional rules of higher tax rates. We should not be foolish enough to think that people are going to willingly just say, I'm going to do everything at 39.6 percent as I was going to do at 37 percent.

And one final thing I just want to highlight. It is not simply the federal tax level that matters. It matters the sum of the federal, the state, and the local taxes as well. So if you're a California resident, with a high tax rate of 13 percent, you've got to add that on top of that, and in many cases, the localities are going to have it on top of that. In some cases, we have high net worth individuals already paying north of 60 percent of their income in taxes. So every little bit pushes you further away where people decide, hey, it's just not worth it for us to do the grind that leads to these kinds of financial results. We’re just giving it all back to the government.

REICHARD: Let’s talk about capital gains rates. What about the proposal in that area? Would that affect whom and what would it mean?

HAYMOND: Well capital gains is one of those interesting tax rates because that's the tax that's paid on the appreciation of assets, such that if you buy some investment property—say for $100,000—and then you hold it for, say, 20 years and it now sells for $200,000, you will make a $100,000 gain that you have to pay taxes on.

Now, one of the reasons why we typically have a lower taxable rate for capital gains is because they do not currently index capital gains for inflation. And if you had an investment property, for instance, over 20 years, much of that gain may be what we would call phantom gain purely due to inflation. And so to tax it at ordinary income tax rates, when you actually didn't make any money in real purchasing power terms, is kind of a hard sell to the people that held on that asset for a long time. So historically we've tried to keep it at lower rates.

One of the things that has been apparent is when we raise capital gains tax rates, we're gonna get lower revenue than if we actually lower than in every major capital gains tax regime before, such that the argument is why would you want to do that if it's actually going to cause lower revenue. And so famously when Mr. Obama was asked that during his initial campaign, he said, I would do that as a matter of fairness. So that's core to kind of one of the Democratic ideals is they believe even if it results in lower tax revenue to the American Treasury, it's good to do because that would be more equitable in other word.

In this particular rate, they're talking about raising it from 20 to 25 percent and what that does is have a n effect on the margin, as economists would like to say. Some investments, if you know you're going to have to pay a bigger tax bill if you sell to switch your investment from one to another, you're less likely to to make that switch. What that tends to do is it freezes capital in lower productivity investments. And so that harms economic growth over the longer term.

So, in general, economists tend to frown on capital gains tax rates being a source of revenue especially in light of the empirical evidence that it just seems to usually lead to actually lower tax revenue.

REICHARD: Let’s talk about raising taxes on big corporations. Republicans in their 2017 tax cut slashed the corporate rate to 21 percent—way down from 35 percent. But they also introduced new taxes on big companies’ overseas earnings. In the end, that amounted to a projected $330 billion tax cut.

Democrats now want to push the corporate tax rate back up to 26.5 percent. You’ve explained how taxes affect everyone across the board, so should working class Americans oppose raising taxes on huge corporations?

HAYMOND: They should. And, really, for multiple reasons. I'm going to hit the standard one you'll hear most of the time and then I'm going to hit one you probably don't hear which is, I think, even more important. So the most frequent criticism of corporate taxes is, look, corporations are just a legal fiction. And those profits that you're going to tax would have otherwise went to shareholders or workers or employees—all of which are in many respects just ordinary Americans, because every ordinary American has a pension fund, has got corporations—if they're public—in their pension funds and so forth. So you don't ever tax corporations. Real people are taxed. So what we're saying is we're going to tax real people, which will include employees and the shareholders, as well as the purchasers of that company's product. So, there's no escaping the fact that individuals are going to be hit by that.

Let me give you a different reason to be against corporate tax rates. Economists usually say, if you want to be efficient, if you really want a certain amount of tax revenue, tax it once and tax it at the source. Why should we have double taxation? Because, remember, when we distribute profits to shareholders in the forms of dividends, they're gonna have to pay taxes on the dividends. If you're taxing it twice, you're having a really high tax rate, which is another reason again, why corporate tax rates have been lowered historically. It's in recognition of the dual taxation that's occurring there.
What we have is this leads to a higher level of political corruption in our economy. If you raise the corporate tax rate, you have a lot of opportunities for very large corporations to hire very expensive K Street lobbyists, who will be able to get special favors as we see throughout already the the Democratic spending bill, by the way, in green energy and otherwise, such that you tend to see a tremendous misallocation of capital. Most shareholders that are getting their dividend are not going to be politically powerful enough to to influence the political process. But big corporations, yeah, they have a heavy influence. And politicians tend to like it that way.

REICHARD: Final question. Taken as a whole, professor, what kind of impact would the Democrats’ planned tax increase have on the economy? And would the promised benefits balance that out?

HAYMOND: Well, there's always a benefit or you wouldn't get this public policy. But the question is, is it a broad social benefit? Or is it a benefit to special interests that are pushing those products? And of course, the latter is the answer. The constituency of the Democratic party that wanted them to do this is very much in favor of that. I think net on net, this is going to be harmful to the economy. When you increase regulatory state, when you increase the taxation state, you typically get a lower performing economy. I tend to believe, for instance, in the Trump years before the the virus, it was not so much his tax cuts—although I think that helped—but Mr. Trump's deregulatory agenda, which unleashed what we saw with some very robust economic growth. I think that effort was hamstrung by Mr. Trump's trade policies which were on net negative. Mr. Biden has kept all of those negative trade policies. And yet, now we're going to insert, you've got the bad policies on trade that Mr. Trump had and you're going to add to it a higher regulatory state, which that party is calling for, and you're now going to have a smaller private sector with a robust expansion of the public sector. So all those things are on net, in my mind, negative. But clearly, they're going to benefit the people that receive that largesse.

REICHARD: Professor Jeff Haymond with Cedarville University has been our guest. Professor, thanks so much!

HAYMOND: You’re welcome.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Coming up next on The World and Everything in It: World Tour with Africa reporter Onize Ohikere.

ONIZE OHIKERE, REPORTER: People starving to death in Tigray—We start today here in Africa.

The United States is threatening to impose sanctions on Ethiopian officials if they don’t resolve the conflict in Tigray soon. Linda Thomas-Greenfield is the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

THOMAS-GREENFIELD: If the Government of Ethiopia and the Tigray People's Liberation Front take meaningful steps to enter into talks without preconditions and allow unhindered humanitarian assistance, the United States is prepared to mobilize assistance for Ethiopia to recover and revitalize its economy and build a future for its people. Otherwise, we will impose targeted sanctions against a range of responsible individuals and entities.

On Monday, the Associated Press reported that aid groups have logged the first deaths from starvation in the region. The United Nations has warned for months that Tigray was suffering from the world’s worst hunger crisis in a decade. It blamed the Ethiopian government for creating the famine with “a de facto humanitarian aid blockade” imposed in June.

The war in Tigray began in November as a political dispute between Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed and the Tigrayans who had long dominated Ethiopia’s government. Tigrayan fighters retook control of the area in June. Ethiopia declared a ceasefire but sealed off the region, preventing any aid from getting in.

‘Hotel Rwanda’ hero convicted of terrorism—Next we go to Rwanda.

AUDIO: [Man speaking Kinyarwanda]

Paul Rusesabagina, best known as the hero of Hotel Rwanda, was sentenced to 25 years in prison on terrorism charges Monday.

He was convicted of forming a rebel group blamed for deadly attacks in the country in 2018 and 2019. But his family called the trial a politically motivated attempt to silence him.

AUDIO: [Woman speaking French]

His daughter, Carine Kanimba, said the family intended to appeal to the international community to put pressure on Rwanda over human rights abuses.

Rusesabagina rose to international fame after he was credited with saving 1,200 people during the 1994 Rwandan genocide by hiding them in the hotel he managed. Since then, he has been a vocal critic of Rwandan leader Paul Kagame.

Rusesabagina is a Belgian citizen and holds a U.S. green card. President George W. Bush awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2005. U.S. and European officials have voiced concern over his arrest and trial.

Volcano destroys homes in Canary Islands—Next we go north, to the Canary Islands.

AUDIO: [Sound of flames, crackling]

A volcano erupted Sunday in the Spanish territory, belching thick black smoke and lava. The eruption destroyed about 100 homes and forced thousands of people to evacuate.

AUDIO: [Woman speaking Spanish]

These residents said they lost everything, just like many of their friends. Thankfully, officials reported no deaths after the eruption.

It was the first volcanic activity on the island in 50 years.

Putin’s party sweeps Russian election—And finally, we end today in Russia.

AUDIO: [People chanting in Russian]

Several hundred protesters gathered in Moscow Monday to denounce election results. President Vladimir Putin’s United Russia party claimed a two-thirds majority in the lower house State Duma even though pre-election polls showed its popularity at a historic low.

Election officials said about 51 percent of voters participated in the election.

Allies of jailed opposition leader Alexei Navalny called the results “truly unbelievable.”

That’s this week’s World Tour. Reporting for WORLD, I’m Onize Ohikere in Abuja, Nigeria.

NICK EICHER, HOST: Alright, this story gives new meaning to the term smart speaker. How smart is it? This thing is so smart, it solves crimes.

Police in Germany say they cracked a burglary case at a kindergarten—good German word that’s made it into our lexicon. They cracked the case after one piece of the loot gave up the suspect.

The suspected kindergarten crook stole various items during a break-in of a local classroom back in April.

Among them were a laptop, picture books, cups and glasses, some fish sticks—remember, kindergarten—as well as a smart speaker for playing children’s stories.

After about a month, the man tried to download new stories onto the device—interesting that he stuck with the kindergarten fare for awhile, but when he downloaded the new content, the device sent his home location to the manufacturers, who turned around and called police.

The device has since been returned in working condition to the kindergarten, where officials report it was eagerly received by the children.

There was no similar happy ending for the suspect. He faces criminal charges.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

NICK EICHER, HOST: Today is Wednesday, September 22nd.

Thank you for turning to WORLD Radio to help start your day.

Good morning. I’m Nick Eicher.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: And I’m Mary Reichard. Coming next on The World and Everything in It: Afghan immigrants. 

The recent American pullout from Afghanistan brought danger to people there who worked as the eyes and ears for U.S. servicemen.

EICHER: As of June, about 20,000 Afghans were waiting for Special Immigrant Visas. Many of them faced death threats from the Taliban for working as translators. Going back to the year 2006, some 75,000 Afghan applicants and their families have arrived in the United States courtesy of this program.

REICHARD: Four years ago, WORLD’s Jill Nelson met one of those families after they arrived in California. In light of recent events, she decided to follow up with them.

MAHZON: Salam Alaikum. (Alaikum. hello...). It's good to see you. (Good to see you again).

JILL NELSON, REPORTER: Abdali Mahzon hasn’t aged at all, and he seems happy. His whole face smiles as he opens the door, though he’s noticeably tired. That’s understandable as he works overnight as a security guard and takes college courses during the day

He’s had only a few hours of sleep but still welcomes me into his home. Three large Afghan rugs cover the living room floor and embroidered curtains hang by the windows. His seven kids range in age from 7 to 17, and three of them greet me. I ask them about their favorite American foods:

KIDS: Chicken. And chicken nuggets. / French fries and chicken nuggets. / I mean it’s a little mean, but the truth is I don't like American food.

They live in a second floor apartment in El Cajon, California, about 17 miles east of downtown San Diego. This city has a substantial Afghan population, and that has made the adjustment easier for the Mahzon family.

Mahzon worked for the U.S. Army. He began as a translator, but switched to journalism. From 2008 to early 2017, he helped produce and record U-S Army broadcasts to counter Taliban propaganda. When his work became more public, he ended up on the Taliban’s hit list … and began receiving threat letters and phone calls.

MAHZON: Many, many, many times. Not one time, many times...

Mahzon tried to escape the danger by moving to a remote village in Afghanistan’s Khost Province. But in 2014, men tried to kidnap his daughters, and he has no doubt they were connected to the Taliban.

MAHZON: My two daughters were going to school. In the middle of the road some people parked the car for them and they wanted to kidnap them.

The girls escaped, but Mahzon knew it was time to apply for a Special Immigrant Visa. After completing the detailed 14-step process and waiting for two years, they received their approvals and promptly moved to California. He was relieved to escape the Taliban-issued death sentences, but some parts of their new life that first year were challenging.

His oldest daughter Salma describes some of their earlier struggles:

SALMA: The first thing was my mom got sick...

A short time after their arrival, her mom developed serious anxiety and was in the hospital for a month.

SALMA: ...And also the language. The language was very difficult.

Salma’s mom missed her family back home, and the language barrier made daily living stressful. Medication helped her symptoms.

The last time we met, Salma’s brother was terrified of loud noises at school, like fire drills and horns. They reminded him of the suicide bombing and mortar attack near their house in Afghanistan.

Mahzon is happy to report his son is no longer afraid, and the school has hired translators for Afghan students. He says all of his kids are thriving.

MAHZON: We are feeling safe here. And my kids go to school. All my seven kids are going to school so I'm not worried about them.

His face beams when 10-year-old Hamayoun shows me the medals he earned in two spelling bees at school.

HAMAYOUN: It was this year and when I was in second grade.

Mahzon is proud of paying down his travel loan. He borrowed $11,000 from the International Organization for Migration for their nine plane tickets to the United States. After paying $200 a month, he now has only $4000 to go.

He takes me over to the kitchen to share some of his money-saving tips. He went in with four other families to buy a slaughtered cow and split the meat. It’s neatly stacked in the freezer.

MAHZON: I think it was 120 pounds or something in each family.

And his first car had only five seats. It took two trips to get his entire family to the park. He eventually saved enough money to buy a larger vehicle.

Their two-bedroom apartment is small for a family of nine but they make it work. Some of the kids sleep in the living room. Floor cushions line the wall and this is where we sit for lunch. The girls arrange a large plastic tablecloth on the floor and deliver plates of potatoes, beef, salad, and liver.

Life has become easier for this family, but Mahzon’s face darkens when I ask about the current state of Afghanistan.

MAHZON: Taliban in media, in the international media, say they have forgiveness for everybody. But it is not true.

They are worried about their friends and family back home. One of his relatives told him about a family in Mazar-e-Sharif. The wife worked for the Afghan government and the father was a police officer. He says the Taliban came in the middle of the night and killed all 13 family members, even the little children.

Mahzon says there’s no way to verify this incident, but it’s consistent with other reports in the region. Media coverage is scarce because the Taliban threatens journalists and activists.

MAHZON: Not any media covered that incident. And also the social media activists are right now not posting anything. If they post anything in the social media, the Taliban find them and kill them.

A new wave of Afghan refugees has arrived in El Cajon, and that reminds the Mahzon family of their own arrival four years ago. When housing is hard to find, they invite families to stay with them temporarily. The girls tell me their parents are generous and give their bedroom to new families.

The adjustment wasn’t easy, but 17-year-old Salma says they are grateful for their new lives in the United States.

SALMA: I like everything here, like we used to stay at home in Afghanistan. Here we can walk, just walk outside without any fear.

Reporting for WORLD, I’m Jill Nelson.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Today is Wednesday, September 22nd. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Mary Reichard.

NICK EICHER, HOST: And I’m Nick Eicher. It’s easy to take for granted the nice life America offers. WORLD commentator Janie B. Cheaney urges that we not do that.

JANIE B. CHEANEY, COMMENTATOR: After a year’s sojourn in Japan, my son thought it would be interesting to try “that other island that starts with a J”: Jamaica. He expected the culture would be different—and it was.

I visited him that summer, in his unfinished hotel at the end of a dirt road, with goats and shanties and uncertain water supply. My memories glow with blinding sun, turquoise ocean, glittering beaches, ripe mangoes free for picking, and smiling people (a few of whom tried to sell me drugs).

It was fun. Still, after touching down in Kansas City, I unlocked my car, slid into the front seat and gripped the steering wheel as the thought gripped me: I love America. I love my car, I love these roads and buildings and people going about their business unmolested. I love the sense of freedom stabilized by order; the ability to go have an adventure yet return to safety and comfort … to home.

“A patriotic education,” writes historian Wilfred McClay, “should be an education in love”—not chauvinism, but sincere affection for one’s country and concern for her welfare. It’s similar, I think, to love for a spouse. You know the worst while encouraging the best and working toward the better.

Few American children are getting a patriotic education, in that sense. America’s sins are treated as unique, but her virtues are taken for granted or waved away as hypocritical piety. Such as that bit about all men created equal. The 1776 Commission, a panel of academics and historians, begs to differ. Quote, “[N]o nation before America ever dared state those truths as the formal basis for its politics, and none has strived harder, or done more, to achieve them.”

Not all men were equal in 1776, but the words of our founding documents promised they would be. Power corrupts, but the words called power to account. When we abused our freedom, the words called us to justice. Our most grievous mistakes have tended to self-correct because of the words, deeply embedded in our national consciousness.

Unless it was all a sham. That’s what critical race theory teaches: History is about power not virtue. CRT seeks to be the conscience of a nation, but instead of building our shared house, like the wise woman of Proverbs 14:1, it aims to tear the house down.

Have the advocates of CRT thought through the practical result of trashing home? Of teaching children that there’s nothing remarkable, or even redeemable, about constitutional government? McClay, author of a history of America called Land of Hope, wonders if the dispirited youth of today have lost hope because of the hopelessness they’re taught regarding their own country.

Children not trained to love will default to apathy—or rage. There must be a better way.

I’m Janie B. Cheaney.

NICK EICHER, HOST: Tomorrow: ministering to pregnant moms in Texas. We’ll tell you how pro-life groups are stepping up their efforts under the state’s new heartbeat law.

And, Christians in Canada. We’ll have an update on how churches are faring under government COVID restrictions.

That and more tomorrow.

I’m Nick Eicher.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: And I’m Mary Reichard.

The World and Everything in It comes to you from WORLD Radio.

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The Lord said to Moses: “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”

Go now in grace and peace.

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