The World and Everything in It: September 15, 2023 | WORLD
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The World and Everything in It: September 15, 2023


WORLD Radio - The World and Everything in It: September 15, 2023

On Culture Friday, a closed-door Senate hearing on the need for AI regulation; A Haunting in Venice is better than the Agatha Christie book; and on Word Play with George Grant, the “sniglets” that describe everyday situations. Plus, commentary from Steve West and the Friday morning news

A scene from "A Haunting in Venice." Associated Press/20th Century Studios

PREROLL: The World and Everything in It is made possible by listeners like us. My name is Devon Manser. My husband Evan and I live in Madison Heights, Michigan. I am a special needs caregiver, but soon I'll be a stay at home mom to our baby girl who will be born in November. My favorite segments are Classic Book of the Month and Wordplay, but we both love John Stonestreet. I hope you enjoyed today's program.

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Good morning! Today on Culture Friday: the importance of ethics informing artificial intelligence. 

NICK EICHER, HOST: We’ll talk about that and more with John Stonestreet in just a few minutes. Also today: a review of the film A Haunting in Venice.

ARIADNE OLIVER: Don’t you dare look at me like a murder suspect. We’re old friends.

HERCULE POIROT: Every murderer is somebody’s old friend.

And WORLD Commentator George Grant with Word Play for the month of September.

BROWN: It’s Friday, September 15th. This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Myrna Brown.

EICHER: And I’m Nick Eicher. Good morning!

BROWN: Up next, Kent Covington with today’s news

KENT COVINGTON, NEWS ANCHOR: Hunter indicted » Hunter Biden could face decades behind bars after the special counsel handling his case indicted him on three felony charges Thursday.

Prosecutors say the president’s son lied about his use of cocaine when he bought a gun in 20-18.

Hunter Biden is charged with two counts of falsely checking a box declaring he was not using illegal drugs and a third count for possessing the gun as a drug user.

GOP Congressman Chip Roy reacted to the news:

ROY: Hunter Biden is deserving of this, and I’m glad that the judge saw through the sham deal back in July.

That’s a reference to a plea agreement Hunter’s lawyers stuck with the Justice Department. The deal would have likely have allowed him to escape any jail time on the gun charges while pleading guilty to misdemeanor tax charges.

Republicans derided it as a “sweetheart deal.”

Raffensperger Trump ballot » Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is rejecting calls by some to try and block former President Donald Trump’s name from the state’s presidential primary ballots. He said that’s not his call to make.

RAFFENSPERGER - We didn't want King George telling us how to do live our lives, what we're gonna do, we would make our own decisions, we'd have self determination.

Some Colorado voters have sued, trying to kick Trump off the primary ballots there.

Trump case » Meantime, a judge says Trump will not go on trial in Georgia next month in the case accusing him and others of trying to overturn the 2020 election.

At least two of his 18 co-defendants will be tried in late October after they filed demands for a speedy trial.

Trump will head to a Georgia court at a later date still to be determined.

Libya update » Near the northeastern coast of Libya, the already-staggering death toll from catastrophic flooding continues to climb. WORLD’s Anna Johansen Brown reports.

ANNA JOHANSEN BROWN: Rescue teams continue to search for survivors after a storm caused two dams to break sending inland tsunamis crashing into the coastal town of Derna.

Authorities now confirm that more than 11 thousand people were killed.

But rescuers say they are still finding survivors buried in the debris.

Soldier: [Speaking Arabic]

An army officer said his team had just pulled an entire family to safety after being trapped under rubble for several days.

For WORLD, I’m Anna Johansen Brown.

Speaker dispute » House Speaker Kevin McCarthy is butting heads with a group of lawmakers on his right flank. And he concedes that tensions boiled over during a private meeting this week when the speaker, using an expletive, dared those members to oust him from the speakership.

MCCARTHY: I showed frustration in here because I am frustrated with some people in the conference. We had the DOD appropriation bill here yesterday. I couldn’t put it on the floor.

He said none of the members who blocked it voiced a single complaint explaining what was wrong with the bill.

McCarthy said he’s also grown tired of some members threatening to pry the speaker’s gavel from his hands, leading to a frustrated response.

AUDIO: We are the union, the mighty, mighty union! 

UAW strike » Autoworkers are hosting picket signs outside the factories of Ford, GM, and Stellantis this morning after the union’s Thursday deadline expired without a new labor deal.

UAW MEMBER: I feel like everybody needs to go on strike at the same time, and we just need to shut ‘em all down.

That is one of the nearly 150,000 members of the United Auto Workers union.

The UAW is demanding a 36% boost in pay, a 32-hour week with 40 hours of pay, the restoration of traditional pensions, and more.

Ford said that if the UAW's wage and other demands had been in effect over the past four years, the company would have lost $14 billion.

NY migrant shelters » New York State Republican lawmakers are suing New York City over an ongoing migrant crisis. They’re calling for the closing of a Staten Island migrant shelter.

State Senator Andrew Lanza:

LANZA: The majority of the people of the city of New York, if not the state, have spoken - loud. And they have said this is wrong. And they want it to end.

Rep. Vito Fossella says the problem starts with the Biden administration not enforcing the nation’s borders …

FOSSELLA: Allowing hundreds of thousands of people to flood across - and combined with the city’s ‘right to shelter’ policy that says, ‘Come on into New York City. We’ll put you up in hotel’

The city is reportedly spending roughly $10 million dollars a day to house migrants. Mayor Eric Adams is calling on President Biden to send more federal taxpayer dollars to cover the costs.

Democratic Gov. Kathy Hochul is considering unprecedented legislation that would let the state issue work authorization for asylum seekers.

I'm Kent Covington.

Straight ahead: Culture Friday with John Stonestreet. Plus, Word Play with George Grant.

This is The World and Everything in It.

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: It’s the 15th day of September 2023.

Glad to have you along for today’s edition of The World and Everything in It. Good morning, I’m Myrna Brown.

NICK EICHER, HOST: And I’m Nick Eicher. It’s Culture Friday.

Joining us now is John Stonestreet, the president of the Colson Center and host of the Breakpoint Podcast. John, good morning.


EICHER: So there was an unusual hearing in Washington this week, John. A closed-door, no-press hearing, all 100 senators invited, to listen to tech executives give advice on possible regulation of artificial intelligence.

Of course, different people will have different fears about unregulated AI: some worry about job losses, others worry about deep fakes and misinformation.

But it’s interesting the briefing was with tech executives and not ethicists, for example …

Do you have concerns of your own about AI from a Christian worldview perspective, and if there’s to be regulation, what would you hope is regulated and what is left alone?

STONESTREET: Well, yeah, there's a lot of concerns about artificial intelligence. You know, from a Christian worldview, you got two things actually at work. And they seem somewhat opposed, but they're not. I mean, the one is human exceptionalism. And yet, what we also know is this remarkable and scary thing that God says about humans, and specifically those at Babel, where he looked at this project from the descendants of Noah, and, you know, he says, Look, we need to divide these guys up. Because otherwise, if as one people speaking, one language, anything they think of will be possible. So when we talk about people not being able to play God, we gotta remember, God has a kind of a judgment call on human capacity, that is pretty amazing. He thinks we'll be able to do an awful lot. And by the way, implicit in that same comment that God makes in there is that we ought not do everything that comes into our mind, which we all know to be true about ourselves. But apparently that's true about us, collectively. And so yeah, we do need regulation.

Now, you know, the problem with science is that we do things and then ask if we should later. And so it's impossible to put the genie back in the bottle. We have that with bioethics, we have that with CRISPR, the gene editing technology. So yeah, you need to have a whole lot of people in conversations, but you also need to have ethicists in this conversation. Just take us back to George W. Bush, in his presidency. The one thing that he absolutely got, right, I mean, we can debate on all kinds of other things. But I'll tell you what, the thing that he nailed was embryonic stem cell research, where everyone else was saying embryonic stem cell research has infinite promise, it will help Christopher Reeves walk again, if you remember that, that John Kerry said in the debate. And you know what, Bush had put together a bioethics panel, featuring thought leaders, technicians, practitioners, and theologians and ethicists. And it was a robust gathering of minds from multiple different vantage points and perspectives, and was able to conclude that even if it did hold that promise, it wasn't ethically worth it. And by the way, the promise is oversold based on faulty understandings of what it means to be human. There was this massive volume that that panel, the President's Council on Bioethics, and it's a remarkable collection of the best writing from poetry and science, and theology and history and so on, about the value of human the universe and use that question, what is a human? To drive the question, What should we do with humans? And he nailed that; he absolutely got it right. His restrictions ended up being directly on target. Non embryonic stem cell research is what actually delivered the goods embryonic stem cell research has given us nothing, even after all these years. And even after George W. Bush's successor freed up all the funding. We need that sort of stuff again - that sort of broad-based look at the ethics of artificial intelligence. And I know that's the idea that that would ever happen. Sounds as crazy as me explaining it

EICHER: This month marks the 50th anniversary of the death of JRR Tolkien, and that a half-century has passed, I think the fact that he’s such a vibrant part of the cultural conversation testifies to the power of his creative works. I’d just invite you to reflect on his legacy.

STONESTREET: I mean, what a remarkable towering intellect. It's one thing to create a fantasy world, it's another thing to create a fantasy world with its own history and with its own language. I mean, what Tolkien was able to pull off off, and why and how is just really, absolutely remarkable. And for him to do that, and it to stay coherent. I mean, let's all remember, the W brothers couldn't even make a second Matrix movie that made sense, right. And that was a kind of a separate world sort of thing without all the history and the language. And by the third one, no one knew where we were.

Now, I think it's right to note the difference between you know, for example, the world he created in Narnia, Narnia was much more allegory, it was much more direct one to one, and what Lewis was trying to communicate. And at the same time, that Middle Earth is not that way, Middle Earth holds a remarkable amount of insight into what it means to be human, and what it means to live in the world. And I think that's why it has staying power.

I want to quote here, a wonderful person, a longtime friend, who I haven't talked to in a really long time. But Dr. Rosie de Rosa, who had a wonderful teaching career at Moody Bible Institute, and I remember at a lecture once on literature, she said that the difference between a good book and a bad book is that a good book takes you deeper into reality and the bad book distracts you from reality. And it's interesting because Middle Earth was a different reality. But the more you were in Middle Earth, the more you understood the world, the more you understood the human condition. And of course, it was Tolkien's brain intellect and his deep faith that not only allowed him to create such an amazing place, but also to create such an amazing place that had so much to offer both his day and our day. And of course, Tolkien said that the reason he wrote it was that Britain had lost its story, and that it needed another myth, kind of like the great civilizations had the great pagan myths. He thought the Western world and Great Britain in particular needed a solid story in which to find themselves. And how prescient was that.

And of course, we here we've just talked about Middle Earth, Tokien’s contributions go way beyond the Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit. But there is something to the fact that he offered the world a story and how prescient that is, today, when we seem like you know, to quote some friends of mine, our feet are firmly planted in mid-air, you know, we don't know what world we’re a part of. We don't know what's true and what's real, what's up and what's down. And so Tolkien kind of taking that task on several decades ago was quite prescient as well

BROWN: John, 60 years ago today, speaking of anniversaries, four young girls, and I’d like to say their names, Denise McNair, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Addie Mae Collins, were killed in a racially motivated attack by the Ku Klux Klan. On September 15, 1963, the hate group bombed the 16th Street Baptist Church in Birmingham, Alabama where the girls were waiting to attend 11:00 o’clock service. It was Youth Day.

Growing up in Alabama, of course, I knew that story. But, I’ve never thought about it in terms described by WORLD Opinions writer, Adam Carrington.

Let me quote a part of his article. He writes, 

“We rightly remember this as an attack against a community based on the color of its members’ skin. We also commemorate it as an important moment in the Civil Rights Movement in America….galvanizing support that led to the passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Yet, he writes, we should consider it, too, as a moment of violence against the Body of Christ, targeting the people of God as they gathered to worship Him.

Again, I’ve never thought about it from that perspective. I’m curious, have you?

STONESTREET: No, and shamefully so. But there's something so important there. Hopefully, we feel that sort of unity that Carrington is calling us all to in this piece when we hear of our brothers and sisters in Nigeria or our brothers and sisters in Myanmar, other parts of the world, where the churches are under direct persecution for being Christian. And it is something notable that we, when we're talking about our own context, identify ourselves less in terms of our common belief, our common Savior, our common worship, and more along some other category. It tells us an awful lot about what we think about ourselves. It tells us a lot about whether we're being shaped more by some cultural narratives or political narratives than we are from the biblical story. And ultimately, the most important thing about the identity of these four girls is that they were made in the image and likeness of God and that they had found a savior in Christ Jesus and a restored identity as a Christ follower, and that should be first and foremost what we see. And unfortunately, let me say that differently, not unfortunately in their day, the loyalties were based on something completely different. And that's not just unfortunate - that led to tragedy and bloodshed and death. And not only should that act of violence against anyone be condemned, but anyone who is in Christ first and foremost should be identified with other Christ followers first and foremost. So it was an important observation from Adam Carrington. And yeah, I was challenged by it, as well.

BROWN: Alright, John Stonestreet, president of the Colson Center and host of the Breakpoint podcast. Thanks John!

STONESTREET: Thank you both.

NICK EICHER, HOST: Today is Friday, September 15th. Thank you for turning to WORLD Radio to help start your day. Good morning. I’m Nick Eicher.

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: And I’m Myrna Brown.

A quick correction before getting in today’s movie review. In Tuesday's program and on our website, we inaccurately framed an interview about last week's decision from the Mexican Supreme Court.

EICHER: Yeah, in the host setup to the interview, we said that the Mexico Supreme Court's ruling decriminalized abortion across the country. Clearly, I didn’t fully understand the precise legal effect of the decision.

Here’s what we know: The ruling is a step towards removing penalties for abortion. The court held that federal laws criminalizing abortion are unconstitutional and called on Mexico’s Congress to repeal those laws in the Federal Code. But the ruling itself did not change any federal legislation.

BROWN: It also did not affect laws in individual states in Mexico that protect babies from abortion. We'll get more details on the ruling in the coming weeks, once the court releases the final version. But in the meantime, the fight continues, and pro-lifers in the country are working to push back against this development.

EICHER: Well, coming next on The World and Everything in It: murder at the movies.

The latest Agatha Christie adaptation A Haunting in Venice debuts in theaters this weekend. And as with other book-to-box office films, the question is: how does this movie measure up to the book it’s based on? Here’s WORLD arts and culture editor Collin Garbarino.

HERCULE POIROT: Tonight, we are all afraid. There have been two murders.

COLLIN GARBARINO: Kenneth Branagh is back with another Hercule Poirot film, once again both directing and starring as the world’s most famous mustachioed detective. The film is ostensibly based on Agatha Christie’s Hallowe’en Party, but the book and the movie don’t actually have much in common. The book is set in Christie’s familiar English countryside, but the film begins with a reclusive Poirot living in retirement in Venice.

He’s given up solving cases despite throngs of people begging for his help. Then an old friend shows up—the novelist Ariadne Oliver, played by a subdued, yet still amusing, Tina Fey.

ARIADNE OLIVER: Venice a gorgeous relic, slowly sinking into the sea. Just like your mind without a challenge.

Mrs. Oliver hopes to tempt Poirot out of his self-imposed exile with a perplexing case. She asks him to attend a seance scheduled for Halloween night in hopes he can prove the whole thing is a fraud. Michelle Yeoh plays Joyce Reynolds, the famous spiritualist.

JOYCE REYNOLDS: You don’t believe in the soul’s endurance after death.

HERCULE POIROT: I have lost my faith.

JOYCE REYNOLDS: How sad for you.

HERCULE POIROT: Yes, it is most sad. The truth is sad.

Reynolds has been asked to speak with Alicia Drake, a young woman who died under mysterious circumstances. Besides Poirot, in attendance are Alicia’s mother, nurse, doctor, and fiancé. By the end of the night, Alicia’s demise won’t be the house’s only mysterious death. Poirot can’t let someone get away with committing murder right below his mustache.

ARIADNE OLIVER: I knew you were in there somewhere. All it took was a corpse and look at you. Hercule Poirot all over again.

Each of Branagh’s Poirot films bring a different element to Agatha Christie’s relatively cozy mysteries. Murder on the Orient Express added a dash of action. Death on the Nile had a splash of sensuality. A Haunting in Venice brings a dark and suspenseful brooding more often found in the horror genre. The movie doesn’t contain bad language or sex, but it’s rated PG-13 for some jump scares and disturbing scenes.

ARIADNE OLIVER: Don’t you dare look at me like a murder suspect. We’re old friends.

HERCULE POIROT: Every murderer is somebody’s old friend.

Branagh said Murder on the Orient Express explored the theme of revenge, Death on the Nile greed, and A Haunting in Venice is about whether there’s something beyond us. In Christie’s novels, Poirot is partly motivated by a sense of divine justice, but Branagh’s Poirot has confronted the problem of evil and lost his faith.

HERCULE POIROT: I have seen too much of the world—countless crimes, two wars, the bitter evil of human indifference—and I conclude, no. No God. No ghosts.

The movie hints that it’s his disbelief that’s driven him into his reclusive retirement. What’s the point of searching for truth and justice, if in the end life has no meaning or purpose.

HERCULE POIROT: Please understand, madam, I would welcome with open arms any honest sign of devil or demon or ghost, for if there is a ghost, there is a soul. If there is a soul, there is a God who made it. And if we have God, we have everything.

A Haunting in Venice is a tight psychological thriller with a fantastic ensemble cast. It’s set in a rundown melancholy palazzo that could be seen as a metaphor for this once beautiful, yet broken, world we all inhabit. A strong story, coupled with Branagh’s stunning cinematography makes this the best of his Poirot movies to date.

But how does A Haunting in Venice compare to Hallowe’en Party, the novel it’s supposedly based on? I’m happy to report the movie is actually much better than the book. Hallowe’en Party is one of Christie’s weakest novels. The solution was obvious from the beginning and the crime itself was overly complex—even by Christie’s standards. Branagh streamlined the plot and made the killer’s identity a little trickier to spot. Maybe too tricky, because the clues he explains at the reveal are pretty tough for viewers to spot.

I wasn’t very impressed with Branagh’s second outing Death on the Nile, and I hoped after that movie, he might be done with his psychologically tormented version of Poirot. But now that I’ve seen A Haunting in Venice, I don’t want Branagh’s Poirot to go back into retirement. I’m already ready for the next mystery.

HERCULE POIROT: Hercule Poirot is on the case.

I’m Collin Garbarino.

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Next up on The World and Everything in It: Words as heard on TV.

Here’s George Grant with this Month’s Word Play.

GEORGE GRANT: Do you remember sniglets? Rich Hall is an Emmy Award winning television sketch writer and comedian. From 1980-1982, he wrote for The David Letterman Show. Beginning in 1984 he was a cast member on Saturday Night Live. At the same time, he co-created Not Necessarily the News, a comedy series for HBO. The series included parodies of TV news broadcasts and commercials. A recurring feature was the presentation of what Hall called, “words that don’t appear in the dictionary but should.” He called these often-humorous words, sniglets.

Sniglets were an immediate success and spawned a small cottage industry of spin-offs including board games, newspaper challenges, reader submission contests, and a small library of books. The books, with entries arranged in alphabetical order like a dictionary, included pronunciations, definitions, and illustrations. Each of the books included an “official Sniglets entry blank” inscribed with the message, “Dear Rich: Here’s my sniglet, which is every bit as clever as any in this dictionary.”

But virtually all of Hall’s sniglets are indeed quite clever. Most are punning portmanteaus, blended words that combine the sounds and meanings of two or more other words into an entirely new comedic construct.

Aquadextrous is the ability to turn the bathtub faucet on and off with your toes. Bozone is the substance surrounding dull minds that stops bright ideas from penetrating. Brakenoia is the urge to step on that nonexistent brake on the passenger side of the car. Elecelleration is the mistaken belief that repeatedly pressing the elevator button will make it go faster. Snackmosphere is the pocket of air found inside snack packages and potato chip bags. Postalports are the annoying windows in envelopes that never seem to line up with the address. Profanitype is the special symbols and stars used by cartoonists to replace expletives. Pursabyss is where unrecovered belongings reside within a woman’s handbag.

Hall was once asked if sniglets were completely for comic value? He answered, “Yeah. Well, umm, no. I wouldn’t say they’re completely for comic value. I mean, I get letters from schools all the time saying how they’ve incorporated a sniglet book into their reading program. You can look at a lot of the words and sort of break them down into their etymological origins.”

Serious or not, most sniglets remain nonce words—unused nonsense daffynitions. But at least one sniglet—which Hall may or may not have actually coined—has made it into mainstream acceptance: spork, a hybrid word to describe hybrid picnic flatware. Thank goodness for that!

I’m George Grant.

NICK EICHER, HOST: Today is Friday, September 15th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Nick Eicher.

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: And I’m Myrna Brown. Up next: game night.

Nick, whether you admit it or not, you’ve probably enjoyed the feeling of passing GO on the Monopoly board and collecting $200 buckaroos.

EICHER: Not as much as the feeling of someone else landing on Boardwalk with my hotel on it. That’s 2-thousand ducats right there!

BROWN: Ok, so you’re pretty competitive, but Commentator Steve West says there are deeper things at stake in the family board game.

STEVE WEST, COMMENTATOR: You can learn a lot about human nature playing Monopoly. During our last Christmas break together, our family of four played the game for five nights straight–and lived to tell about it.

I follow a simple strategy in the game. I buy everything I land on, even if I have to mortgage other properties in order to do so. If you play it safe, you'll end up with no property and no opportunity to make the big bucks. This highly leveraged approach doesn't always work out. It may make me a winner or bankrupt me early in the game. In all this, I behave quite contrary to my real-life, risk-averse self. I am a lawyer, after all; it's my business to manage risk.

On our second game night, my daughter went into the game vowing to "whup us," a cocky capitalist. Yet when the bubble burst, you have never seen such a deflated investor. My son adopted my "always buy" strategy and soon ended up bankrupt. My wife was content with the modest rent off two properties she liked, steadily amassing cash, bit by bit, prizing liquidity rather than hard assets.

At one point, when both my son and I were losing to my daughter, we considered the benefits of communism. We didn't enjoy being on the short end of this kind of capitalist system, where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. But we got over it. We ate a warm chocolate chip cookie and returned to the game.

In the end, Monopoly has some great moral lessons. If you're gifted and talented and usually have things fall in your lap, it reminds you that you will lose or fail at some point. You may develop an empathy for people whose lives are strung together by losses and can't seem to get ahead no matter what.

And then there's the proverbial "pride goes before a fall." One day you're up, hotels on Broadway and Park Place, and the next game you're busted, holding ten mortgaged properties and $18 of cash. We're all just a step away from bankruptcy, financially and perhaps morally. “Let the lowly brother boast in his exaltation, and the rich in his humiliation,” as it says in James 1:9.

And then there’s those beautiful moments when you land on Free Parking and grab all the accumulated cash, or pass go and collect $200 for no reason at all. Winning is sheer grace in Monopoly and not so much a reflection of your skill. So it is with life.

But here's the best thing: At game end, no matter who wins or loses, we put the deeds and money away, fold up the board, look up, and are still loved by each other, no matter how cocky we were in winning, how pitiful we were in losing, or what we said in the heat of competition.

We get on with the most important things in life—like loving each other, no matter what.

Pass the cookies, will you?

I’m Steve West.

NICK EICHER, HOST: Well, it’s time to say thanks to the team members who helped put the program together this week:

Mary Reichard, Jenny Rough, David Bahnsen, Daniel Darling, Onize Ohikere, Amy Lewis, Ryan Bomberger, Lillian Hamman, Leah Savas, Cal Thomas, John Stonestreet, Collin Garbarino, George Grant, and Steve West.

And a new voice on the program this week: World Opinions commentator Daniel Suhr.

Thanks also to our breaking news team: Kent Covington, Lynde Langdon, Steve Kloosterman, Lauren Canterberry, Christina Grube, and Josh Schumacher.

And, breaking news interns Tobin Jacobson, Johanna Huebscher, and Alex Carmanaty

And thanks to the guys who stay up late to get the program to you early: Johnny Franklin and Carl Peetz.

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Our producer is Harrison Watters. Our production team includes Kristen Flavin, Benj Eicher, and Emily Whitten.

Anna Johansen Brown is features editor, and Paul Butler is executive producer.

The World and Everything in It comes to you from WORLD Radio. WORLD’s mission is biblically objective journalism that informs, educates, and inspires.

The Bible says: "Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand." Proverbs chapter 19 verse 21

Take time to worship with your brothers and sisters in Christ in church this weekend. Lord willing we will meet you right back here on Monday.

Go now in grace and peace.

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