The World and Everything in It - March 23, 2022 | WORLD
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The World and Everything in It - March 23, 2022


WORLD Radio - The World and Everything in It - March 23, 2022

On Washington Wednesday, analysis of the Biden administration’s attempt to revive the Iran nuclear deal; on World Tour, international news; and a group of bell ringers keeping alive a 17th century tradition. Plus: commentary from Joel Belz, a million dollar comic, and the Wednesday morning news.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Good morning!

The U.N. atomic agency warns that Iran is getting closer to a nuclear bomb. The Biden administration wants to make a deal.

PAUL BUTLER, HOST: That’s ahead on Washington Wednesday.

Also today, World Tour.

Plus keeping an old tradition ringing.

And World founder Joel Belz on covering more than the who, what, when, where and why of the news.

REICHARD: It’s Wednesday, March 23rd. This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Mary Reichard.

BUTLER: And I’m Paul Butler. Good morning!

REICHARD: Time now for the news with Kent Covington.

KENT COVINGTON, NEWS ANCHOR: Biden travels to Europe for urgent meetings with allies » President Biden is traveling to Europe today to take part in an emergency meeting of NATO and address the European Council Summit as Russia continues to pound Ukraine.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan told reporters at the White House…

SULLIVAN: He will have the opportunity to coordinate on the next phase of military assistance to Ukraine. He will join our partners in imposing further sanctions on Russia and in tightening existing sanctions to crack down on evasion …

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Tuesday about further tightening the screws on Russia.

She said the EU has acted boldly, adopting “unprecedented and massive sanctions.”

METSOLA: But we can still do more. Europe must show Putin and his oligarchs that his war will come at the largest cost imaginable.

Poland becomes ground zero for Ukrainian refugee crisis » Biden is traveling to Poland this week, which is now ground zero for a refugee crisis.

Andreas Kirchhof is spokesman for the UN’s refugee agency. He explained that more than 3.5 million Ukrainians have fled to neighboring countries so far. And more than half of them, 2.1 million, are now in Poland.

KIRCHHOF: And that means there is enormous strain on the country. The arrivals each day is the equivalent of the inhabitants of a midsize town.

Polish President Andrzej Duda is asking for more U.S. aid and a stepped up military presence on NATO's eastern flank.

UN chief calls for ceasefire as diplomatic efforts continue » United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called for an end to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. He said there can be no winner in this war and added that he’s seen progress toward negotiating a ceasefire. Guterres said he believes there is—quote—“enough on the table to cease hostilities now.”

GUTERRES: Continuing the war in Ukraine is morally unacceptable, politically indefensible, and militarily nonsensical.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says he is prepared to discuss a commitment from Ukraine not to seek NATO membership. That is if Russian troops withdraw and guarantee Ukraine’s security.

He also repeated his call for direct talks with Russian strongman Vladimir Putin.

That has not yet happened. But French President Emmanuel Macron on Tuesday talked with both Putin and Zelenskyy about the terms of a potential cease-fire.

Macron said they reached “no agreement,” but he will continue diplomatic efforts.

Biden warns of growing threat of Russian cyberattacks » President Biden is urging U.S. companies to step up their cybersecurity due to potential Russian threats. He cited new intelligence that Russia is considering launching cyberattacks against critical infrastructure targets in the United States.

The president told business leaders this week…

BIDEN: The federal government is doing its part to get ready. But under US law, as you all remember, the private sector, all of you, largely decides the protections that you will or will not take.

Biden warned—quote—“The magnitude of Russia's cyber capability is fairly consequential, and it's coming.”

He said the federal government is offering cybersecurity assistance to private companies if they want it.

Republicans grill Jackson on day-2 of Supreme Court confirmation hearing » Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson is back in the hot seat on Capitol Hill again this morning for the third day of her Senate confirmation hearing.

On Tuesday, GOP lawmakers voiced their concerns that she may be too liberal and that, from their perspective, she was too lenient on sex offenders as a district court judge. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz said he does not question her character or concern for children …

CRUZ: But I also see a record of activism and advocacy as it concerns sexual predators that stems back decades, and that is concerning.

Jackson pushed back on that criticism.

JACKSON: In every case, I did my duty to hold the defendants accountable in light of the evidence and the information that was presented to me.

She also vowed that she will not legislate from the bench but will do her best to interpret the law impartially.

At the hearing today, the committee will hear from legal experts before an eventual vote to send her nomination to the Senate floor.

Storms tear into Texas, Oklahoma then move into Deep South » Tornadoes tore through parts of Texas and Oklahoma on Tuesday, killing at least one person and wounding more than dozen.

The storm partially tore the roof off of a school and heavily damaged homes and businesses.

Scott Haynes is chief of the Jacksboro, Texas Police Department.

HAYNES: We’ve got a lot of work to do. We’re a resilient community, and we’re going to bounce back, and everything’s going to be good for us.

The storm continued its destructive path Tuesday into Louisiana,Mississippi, and Tennessee.

High winds uprooted trees in Ridgeland, Mississippi, as a possible tornado passed the Jackson city area Tuesday afternoon.

The storms knocked out power to at least 90,000 customers.

That system pushed into the Southeast this morning. It is now battering parts of the region with strong winds and heavy rain in several states from Florida to Virginia.

I'm Kent Covington. Straight ahead: The push to renew the Iran nuclear deal.

Plus: keeping an old tradition ringing.

This is The World and Everything in It.

PAUL BUTLER, HOST: It’s Wednesday, March 23rd, 2022.

Glad to have you along for today’s edition of The World and Everything in It. Good morning, I’m Paul Butler.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: And I’m Mary Reichard. It’s time for Washington Wednesday.

Today, reviving the Iran nuclear deal.

Former President Trump pulled the plug on the controversial 2015 Iran nuclear deal. But the Biden administration and other world powers are working to revive it.

Negotiators recently said they are close to a deal that supporters say would delay Iran’s development of a nuclear weapon. And they argue that there’s no time to waste.

BUTLER: The UN’s atomic watchdog agency says Iran is now just weeks away from having enough highly enriched uranium for a nuclear bomb.

But many analysts question whether a renewed agreement would really accomplish what supporters say it will.

Among them is Michael Rubin. He’s a former Pentagon official and an expert on Iran who lived in the country after the revolution. He has written and co-written several books on Iranian history.

REICHARD: And he joins us now. Michael, good morning!


REICHARD: Reportedly, the last big hangup here in the nuclear talks is that Iran wants the United States to remove the terrorism designation for Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard.
No one in Washington is excited about doing that, but there are some who suggest it may be the lesser of two evils when weighed against the specter of a nuclear Iran. What do you say to that?

RUBIN: Well, the reason why this issue about the de-designating of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is so controversial, is while in the American press and in the American public mind, the Revolutionary Guard is often associated with its terrorism. There's another side to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. They rose to prominence during the Iran-Iraq war in 1988. When that war ended, they didn't want to go back to the barracks and so they started investing in the civilian economy. Without any moral equivalence, what the Revolutionary Guards economic wing is today, imagine taking the Army Corps of Engineers, merging it with KBR, Halliburton, Northrop Grumman, Boeing, Chevron, Exxon, Mobil, and Walmart. And so by designating the Revolutionary Guard, what we were also doing is showing not only our European allies, but also China and Russia, that if they were to go into business with this group, they too could be subject to sanctions and so there's a huge economic question mark, and potential windfall over designation or de-designation of this group.

REICHARD: Just to give voice to the other side of this argument here—the supporters of reviving the Iran deal. If Iran is as close to a nuclear bomb as the UN says they may be, does it not make sense to at least try to slow down Iran’s progress here?

RUBIN: Well, there's two issues here. First of all, the Revolutionary Guard is most involved in the military aspects of that. So if we go back to that previous question, about de-designating the Revolutionary Guard, are we actually going to be resourcing the group that has consistently and covertly pushed forward issues such as warhead design, which the revived Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action doesn't actually address? It's mostly in agreement about enrichment. But then there's the broader issue about whether the steel would fundamentally undercut the precedent of nonproliferation. You know, there's been several nonproliferation crises over the decades. When the Soviet Union collapsed, you had the legacy programs in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Belarus, and we agreed to remove those weapons altogether, actually, to the benefit of Russia. Then in South Africa in 1991, they had covertly built six nuclear weapons. They decided to come in from the cold. Nelson Mandela became president in 1994 and it still took 16 additional years for the International Atomic Energy Agency to give them a clean bill of health. When Muammar Qaddafi came in from the cold in 2003, we physically dismantled his program. Now with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action and this revived proposed Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, what we're doing is leaving Iran with more centrifuges than Pakistan had when Pakistan built not a bomb but its arsenal.

REICHARD: Supporters of the Iran nuclear deal and the effort to renew it argue that, for whatever its flaws, President Trump’s “maximum pressure” campaign failed. What is your response to that?

RUBIN: I actually will disagree with this as well. If we want to take a broader picture, when President Barack Obama started negotiating, Iran’s economy was in the tank. Iran's GDP had actually declined 5.4 percent in the year previous to when President Obama started his negotiation. So we had a great deal of leverage. Now, a lot of the criticism with regard to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action was it actually allowed Iran to fill up its coffers with hard currency. And we saw a lot of bad Iranian behavior with regard to terrorism, sponsoring regional instability, and insurrection and so forth. Now, with regard to President Trump's maximum pressure campaign, we saw Iran's hard currency reserves plummet from more than $100 billion or so down to about $5 billion. I can think of times in Iranian history where maximum pressure did work. At the same time, I can't think of any examples where resourcing an opponent's military actually led to peace.

REICHARD: Michael, you wrote an op-ed in which you argue that how we dealt with North Korea shows exactly how another nuclear deal would fail. Elaborate if you would?

RUBIN: Well, there's a couple different issues with regard to North Korea. One of my criticisms of American policy is that we tend—regardless of administration—to stovepipe. We are negotiating with Iran and we have our blinders on so we only see Iran. Now it can be fairly hard to hide an enrichment program, simply because you can't dismantle it if the inspectors suddenly knock on the door. But when it comes to other things, which we know that Iranians had been involved with in the past, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, for example, warhead design, working with detonators, and that sort of issue, which would only have a place in a bomb program, that can be done in a relatively small lab in a small office. What’s to stop Iran from doing this in North Korea? When I lived in Tehran, I was at a Persian language school working on my dissertation. There were North Koreans there. And we know that there's been Iranian engineers in North Korea and North Korean witnesses when Iran does its missile launches. And so you have this, if you will, this symbiotic relationship between these two so-called rogue regimes, which this deal does nothing to address. And so I would argue that, simply put, we need to be a little bit more holistic.

There's another issue with regard to the North Korea agreed framework which President Bill Clinton signed in 1994. On one hand, it was meant to eliminate the possibility that North Korea would build nuclear weapons, but we saw that North Korea continued cheating and today they have nuclear weapons. What evidence do we have that Iran isn't simply trying to follow the North Korea path? At the same time, what we had decided to do back during the Clinton administration is incentivize North Korea with heavy oil shipments, with food, and they had diverted it disproportionately to their military, which I mean, simply increased the strength of their military relatively. We don't want to get into a situation where we don't see the forest through the trees.

REICHARD: So if you had to sum up what you think is the correct answer to keeping a nuclear weapon out of the hands of Iran, what would you say?

RUBIN: I have no problem negotiating with Iran. I think what we need to do is focus on a way to ensure that any resources that are given to Iran don't fall into the hands of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. At the same time, we are at our best strength as a nation when we act in a bipartisan fashion. The fact that so much of this negotiation has been kept secret even from Congress, the fact that we're not ratifying this as a treaty makes me very, very nervous about its staying power. And that ultimately is I think we need to deal with some of the issues on our home front. And honestly, I have more faith in the centrist Republican, centrist Democrats to actually work together to help agree to have a common consensus for a good deal than perhaps some of the Twitterati have, and the political pundits on cable talk shows.

REICHARD: Final question, Michael: If all else fails, could you envision the United States, Israel or any country taking military action to prevent a nuclear-armed Iran?

RUBIN: I can't imagine the United States doing this willingly. Now, a military action against Iran isn't easy. In 1981, Israel struck at Iraq, and it was a one off strike on a single target. The same thing repeated back in 2007, in Syria, but Iran is six times the size of the United Kingdom. Even if the Israelis went in with surprise, they couldn't leave with surprise once they drop their bombs. And so they'd have to take out command and control centers, enemy airfields, and so forth. You're talking, at a minimum, more than 1,000 sorties. And this is why it's such a mess. Now, the nightmare scenario is that Israel would start something expecting other regional states to clean up the mess if they weren't able to finish it. What I worry about is by pursuing this deal without adequately addressing the concerns of not only Israel but some of our Arab allies, we're actually setting a course where they're going to be incentivized to take unilateral action because they don't feel that they can live with the outcome of this deal.

REICHARD: Michael Rubin is a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Michael, thanks so much!

RUBIN: Thank you.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Next up on The World and Everything in It, World Tour with our reporter in Africa, Onize Ohikere.

ONIZE OHIKERE, REPORTER: We begin today in Afghanistan, where schools are reopening for all students today and that includes Afghan girls.

Girls have been denied education beyond Grade 6 since the Taliban swept back into power last August.

But global leaders have kept heavy pressure on the new Afghan government. And the Taliban said girls would be allowed to return to classes in all grades beginning this week.

Some parents worry for the safety of their daughters and are keeping them at home. But other families say they believe it is safe for girls to return to school.

NAZARI: [Speaking in Dari]

One young student in Kabul, 14-year-old Alina Nazari, said she’s excited to return to class.

NAZARI: [Speaking in Dari]

She said "I am very happy that the schools are reopening for the girls. This year at school might be different from last year because many people have left this country, so many girls might not be able to return to their school."

Next we go to the West African nation of Mali, where family and supports paid their respects to former prime minister Soumeylou Boubeye Maiga.

He died on Monday at a clinic in the capital city of Bamako surrounded by guards.

The 67-year-old was being held on suspicion of corruption.

TIEGOUM: [Speaking in French]

But his brother, Tiegoum Boubeye Maiga, said the former prime minister was “a great man” and a “great statesman” who fought for his beliefs.

TIEGOUM: [Speaking in French]

He said to see members of his brother's political party and the Democratic Movement paying respects to him—quote— “yes, it means that he died on the battlefield.”

Soumeylou Maiga served as prime minister of Mali from 2017 until 2019.

He had been detained since August of last year when the country was taken over by a military junta.

His health deteriorated, but military rulers denied requests for his medical evacuation.

Now we head to Brussels, where the European Union is ramping up security in face of Russian aggression.

The EU’s security policy chief, Josep Borrell announced the approval of a new military strategy called the Strategic Compass. He said by the year 2025, the EU will set up—quote—“Rapid Deployment Capacity.”

It’s designed to help the militaries of the European Union to work together … to be able to respond more quickly.

BORRELL: It’s not about creating a European army. European armies will remain, each member state having its own military army. But we have to work together closer. We have to coordinate better.

Borrell warned that “threats are rising and the cost of inaction is clear.”

And finally, we travel to Moscow, where the Russian government has sentenced President Vladimir Putin’s most high-profile critic to nearly a decade in prison.

A court declared Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny guilty of fraud and sentenced him to nine years in a maximum security prison.

Western governments insist it is the Russian government that is guilty of fraud, creating more false charges against Navalny to silence him and send a message to other critics.

A judge also ruled that Navalny would have to pay a fine of about $12,000 US dollars.

Russian authorities arrested Navlany when he returned to Russia last year from Germany. He received medial treatment there after surviving an assassination attempt that the West believes the Kremlin ordered.

That’s it for this week’s World Tour. Reporting for WORLD, I’m Onize Ohikere in Abuja, Nigeria.

PAUL BUTLER, HOST: Comic-con fans, listen up!

The first-ever Marvel comic book from 1939 just sold for a fortune!

Featuring characters like the Sub-Mariner and the original Human Torch.

This particular copy bears the publisher's handwritten notes about what writers and artists got paid. For example: Artist Frank Paul earned $25 for drawing the cover.

The comic book sold at auction for $2.4 million.

Quite a markup from the original 10 cent price tag.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: Today is Wednesday, March 23rd. Thank you for turning to WORLD Radio to get your day started.

Good morning. I’m Mary Reichard.

PAUL BUTLER, HOST: And I’m Paul Butler. Coming next on The World and Everything in It: ringing the bells.

There’s more than one way to ring the bells. One is called English change ringing.

It’s a precise art form. It shows up a lot in British TV, like in this 1970s version of The Nine Tailors.

AUDIO: Alright boys…go. Treble’s going, trebel’s gone. [BELL RINGING]

REICHARD: This kind of bellringing was developed in the 17th century, and it’s still in practice today. WORLD correspondent Amy Lewis climbed the stairs of a bell tower in Australia to meet a few 21st century bell ringers keeping the tradition alive.

AUDIO: [Bells and traffic]

AMY LEWIS, CORRESPONDENT: David Heyes was only five years old when he started visiting bell towers with his brother. Though it took 10 more years before the bellringing bug bit him–at a convention in Tasmania.

DAVID: And I saw the interaction with people and things like that, so I decided, right, I’m going to give this a go.

Around the same time, Mary Cowling was in high school when her sister came home from university one day.

MARY: My sister who had gone to the big city of Melbourne to study, came home one holiday and said, “Mary, we’ve discovered this fabulous new hobby. You’ve got to do it! It’s called bellringing…” The actual magic of the bells was the deep, rich sound. They’re very big bells in the town hall, and the deep sound was just magical.

It was only a matter of time until the two bellringers met in Melbourne…

MARY: St. Paul’s Cathedral belfry.

…fell in love, and got married.

While looking for a church, they discovered that St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Geelong was restoring its bells. The bells had been silent for 100 years. David and Mary jumped in to help—and have been at the church ever since.

AUDIO: [Cars and bells]

St. Paul’s square brick tower rises over the busiest street in Geelong. It’s the only church in town that does English change ringing.

AUDIO: [Bells ringing in order]

Each bell is attached to a large wheel and balances with its mouth pointing up. Bellringers pull a rope attached to the bell’s wheel to make it spin one rotation. That makes the clapper strike when the bell is almost three-quarters of the way around.

MARY: We have a single octave, I think we’re in the key of F major. And the highest bell, the smallest one, is called the treble. And we always start ringing the highest bell to the lowest…da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da…

But that can get monotonous after a few rounds. So, bellringers in the early 1600s developed a method to ring different patterns.

MARY: And then we start mixing the (Change the order), yes, we change the order according to certain mathematical (principles) principles… We have method names. So you’ve probably heard Grandsire from the Nine Tailors, Dorothy Sayers’ Nine Tailors...

The methods are full of permutations, algorithms, and Hamiltonian cycles. Think of each bell as a traveling salesman who goes in a certain pattern to each of his cities exactly once. He never retraces a path, but he ends up where he began.

DAVID: Mathematicians love it.

MARY: Our son is one of them. His life is computers and his brain just laps up these numbers and things.

AUDIO: Look to, going, gone. [Bells tolling]

With the tenor bell the size of a VW Bug and treble bell the size of an upright piano, it’s tricky to change the timing.

MARY: And our aim is to keep everything strictly mechanically one after the other. And that’s the skill.

But skill isn’t all that’s needed. Having eight bells means needing eight bellringers.

MARY: We go through cycles where we have enough to ring all 8 plus a few extra. And then like last year, the year before, two of our members died, two became too frail to ring. (Some move away and go to universities). And we’re at the point now of struggling to get a team.

But when you have a team? There’s nothing quite like it.

AUDIO: [Steadman doubles] Look to, treble going, she’s gone….Steadman Doubles…

MARY: The best part is when you have a good team around you, you’re ringing a method that challenges you without extending you so you’re stressed and worried. And the rhythm is going and you’re just engrossed. You’re just in another world. You’re making magnificent sound and it’s just so elevating. But the community is a good thing too.

The relational side of bellringing is on clear display this Sunday afternoon. Bellringers from three different towns arrive for a practice session.

AUDIO: [Bellringers chatting] David, is Mary coming? No, she’s ill. No, she’s not well. So we should do Stedman Doubles…

They wear flip flops and moccasins, dress shoes, hiking boots and tennis shoes. They’re different ages and come from different walks of life. Mary is out sick this afternoon. But Helen from Melbourne brings her a homemade jar of jam. A bellringer from Ballarat asks after David’s health. They care for one another, even though they usually ring in different towers.

AUDIO: Go Stedman. Bob. [RINGING]

When COVID restrictions limited how many people could be in the small belltower, the bell still rang.

MARY: David came over every day for 9 months. Every day and just rang our biggest bell as a kind of symbol to the community that we’re still here and we’re still trying to outreach people. Remember the man who was stuck here from overseas? Every morning hearing the bell toll just made him feel a connection with his home and his church and his family.

The purpose of the bells hasn’t changed for all these hundreds of years.

MARY: To call people to worship is the short answer.

DAVID: Of course in the early days, the bells were sending messages to people out in the field and thing, and giving them indications of the time of day and all those sorts of things,

MARY: and when to pray.


In the words of the hymn-writer,

“Glad bells ring loud and clear

‘The Lord our God is here.’

We will adore,

With humble hearts aflame;

And everyone proclaim

With voice or bell, His name

For evermore.”

Reporting for WORLD, I’m Amy Lewis in Geelong, Victoria, Australia.

PAUL BUTLER, HOST: Today is Wednesday, March 23rd. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Paul Butler.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: And I’m Mary Reichard. Up next, WORLD Founder Joel Belz contemplates the big news behind the news.

JOEL BELZ, FOUNDER: In a recent dream I was editor-in-chief of a daily newspaper…4000 years ago in Cairo, Egypt. I dream a lot—but rarely this far back into history. But even if you’re just a casual student of history or of the Bible, you might appreciate what was going on.

My wife Carol and I had been reading through the Old Testament book of Exodus as a devotional study every morning. We’d also been thinking a lot about the gifted people who have so regularly and faithfully come to our various publications and platforms—being “journalized” by World News Group. Maybe it was that combination that launched my dream.

It intrigues me to think how we might have covered an event like the Egyptian plagues. Who would be on my dream team of journalists? It should include both generalists and specialists.

Suppose, for the time being, that we’re sitting at my desk as the editor-in-chief in Cairo at the time of the Exodus plagues. How do we begin building our staff? We should probably start with the big story—with what everywhere in Egypt is being called the “frog story.” Who knows the world’s top expert on frogs? Has this happened in other countries? Have so many calamities happened simultaneously in just one culture? Do we have to send our staff there to be briefed, or can we bring them here?

I’ll tell you, though, what really bothers me. There are enough facets to this one story—that’s the story of the frogs—that it could take our whole staff to do it well. It’s a big deal—a very big deal. Yet at the very same time there are a dozen other equally important stories. The Bible, of course, lists 10 distinct plagues.

There are similar things happening with atmosphere-related issues like the Nile River turning to blood or daylight turning to pitch dark. There are also big but unpredictable things happening to animals as different as insects and livestock.

Every one of these developments calls on a reporting team ten times as big as the one I’ve got. Who is more important to our assignment—a generalist who is both smart and wise about everything in all these various fields of expertise, or a series of specialists?

But we may ultimately find that the most glaringly missing piece from this human puzzle is not just one more story or picture, but is instead the infallible explanation of everything that is already there by the one who created it all in the first place. The whole purpose of the Plagues in Egypt was to drive at least two nations to that God—each in its own way. For the Egyptians, it was to be a first time face-to-face acquaintance. For the people of Israel, it was to be a humbling return.

It's still tempting to try to explain all the details of human events as they unfold. Too often, though, our sophisticated efforts simply make the problem harder. The only thing that glues these various plagues together is the power that is behind them, and the more I hear about them, the more I am reminded that that power is actually a Superpower—whose judgements are just and whose mercies are more—who wants us to know and love him personally and to worship him.

That was true 4000 years ago. It’s still true today.

I’m Joel Belz.

PAUL BUTLER, HOST: Tomorrow: Some people who recover from COVID don’t recover their sense of smell. We have a report.

And, we’ll learn a little bit about the most watched sporting event across the globe—the quadrennial World Cup. 

That and more tomorrow.

I’m Paul Butler.

MARY REICHARD, HOST: And I’m Mary Reichard.

The World and Everything in It comes to you from WORLD Radio.

WORLD’s mission is biblically objective journalism that informs, educates, and inspires.

The Bible says: [The Lord] satisfies the longing soul, and the hungry soul he fills with good things. (Psalm 107:9 ESV)

Go now in grace and peace.

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