Prayers for newly elected officials | WORLD
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Prayers for newly elected officials


WORLD Radio - Prayers for newly elected officials

WORLD listeners join in prayer for the nation’s leaders

NICK EICHER, HOST: Today is Wednesday, November 6th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Nick Eicher.

LINDSAY MAST, HOST: And I’m Lindsay Mast. Before we go, we set aside a few minutes once again to pray for our nation and our newly elected leaders. Our thanks to the many listeners who sent in prayers and readings. Here are a few more of the many we received.

ANNA STROUD: Lord. We thank you for all you have done, and we thank you for our political leaders. We are in a time in our community where there will be transitions in political leadership, and we pray that you would touch all who are running for public or government office. We ask that their hearts are in your hands and that you, Lord, would lead them. Isaiah, 43:19 states, to not be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord will personally go ahead of you. He will be with you. He will neither fail you nor abandon you. We know leaders have to make tough decisions, but the Lord has already dealt with everything they will have to face. Lord, as our leaders transition, we ask that they have an open line of communication with you. Amen.

DANIEL HENRY: We ask for you to graciously reveal your son to both party nominees, Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, to their running mates, Tim Walz and JD Vance. I pray this for both parties, whether they lose and find themselves humbled before you, or win the election and suddenly find themselves in power, needing wisdom. Why should they continue on in unbelief to their own shame, and lead their nation or loved ones into evil? And we intercede, not only for them alone, but for all who are in high positions. Let them be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth. Most High God, we thank you for your control of the hearts of kings. Do so again, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way, and may your church not take such blessings for granted, but let your people make use of the freedom boldly proclaiming in this nation, faith in Jesus, the Christ, and repentance for the forgiveness of sins in Jesus's Name. Amen.

LINDSAY VANDER ARK: Heavenly Father, you are the creator and sustainer of all the world. We trust in you and in your promises. By your Spirit, help us to submit to the earthly authorities you have established, to honor our elected and appointed officials and to seek the good of everyone. May the leaders of this nation, from the President to local authorities, fear you and give you glory. It is in Christ's name, the one in whom we find complete redemption and restoration that I pray Amen.

DAN JOHNSON: We thank You for the privilege of living in a nation that is rooted in your word and the honor of participating with you in your work of reconciliation and redemption in a fallen world. We pray for our elected leaders, that they would bring dignity, honor, trustworthiness and righteousness to the office they hold. And we pray for our nation that the motto of “one nation under God” would be realized in all its splendor. We offer this in the precious name of Jesus, our Savior. Amen.

ELIZABETH O'NEILL: O great and powerful God whose name is the Lord Almighty. Great are your purposes and mighty are your deeds. These words from Jeremiah's prayer encourage me to look to you alone. Lord, forgive me for misplaced hopes as I have looked at man's answers to man's problems. Encourage your people who serve us in government, give them courage and favor. Let your purposes reign and let us bow before you with submissive hearts in your name. Amen.

RYAN ROPER: Father. I pray that your people would commit our ways to you, that we would trust in you to act, and that we, as your Word tells us to, would do good and befriend faithfulness and delight ourselves in you. I ask this in Christ's name and for his sake, amen. Amen.

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