Listener Feedback for July | WORLD
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Listener Feedback for July


WORLD Radio - Listener Feedback for July

Corrections and commendations for July 2023

NICK EICHER, HOST: Up next, listener feedback for the month of July. We begin today with a few corrections.

MYRNA BROWN, HOST: During this month’s Ask the Editor we said that 2023 was the first celebration of Juneteenth as a Federal Holiday. Listener Melanie Barker works for the government and wrote in to correct us. Juneteenth has been a federally recognized holiday since 2021.

EICHER: Next, in setting up Word Play last week, I said incorrectly that George Grant invented the word “obsologism.” He did not. George assures us that although I hadn’t heard it before, he had. Indeed, he came across the word recently in a book by Isaac Watts who wrote during the 17th and 18th centuries.

So obsologism is an obsologism, that is, obsolete word, and not a newly minted neologism, as I said it was.


BROWN: Over the last couple weeks we’ve included a few audio companion pieces in conjunction with WORLD Magazine feature stories—one on immigration and the other on military recruiting woes. We mistakenly identified those as coming from the July 12th issue of the magazine. Which is odd, as several listeners concluded. Because there is no July 12th issue!

Nope, we hid them in the July 29th issue. Now the wild goose chase is over. Sorry about that.

EICHER: And now for some feedback about the program:

Quite a few listeners, Myrna, enjoyed your artist profile this month.

JEAN MANINGER: Hello, this is a long time listener, Jean Manninger. I was so thrilled to hear Myrna Brown segment with Wendell Kimbrell on the July 14th show. I've been a fan of his for over 10 years and his voice and style of songwriting have been a balm to my soul so many times. He is definitely a gifted, unique creator of worship music, unlike anybody else out there. And I'm so glad your listeners now have somebody new to add to their playlist. Thank you again.

Well, Myrna, we also got a lot of great feedback after your interview last week with Erin Friday—the California mom fighting the transgender movement in her state. Pastor Jim Ammerman from Philadelphia said he was glad to hear from a non-Christian who opposes gender ideology. Quoting from his letter:

It is very constructive to hear from “allies” who agree about important issues, even though they disagree about ultimate issues. This builds bridges in so many ways. Treating outsiders with respect shows that we care about them and are willing to listen.

BROWN: Next, Whitney Williams’s commentary on sunscreen made an impression on a listener in Hawaii who knows just how important sunscreen is. She said, thanks for the encouragement to give each other grace when it comes to life and parenthood. And thanks for the authentic words. She signs off: Mahalo! Which is Hawaiian for “thank you.”

Finally this morning, Chal Knox tells us he started listening to the program after a friend shared the podcast with him about three years ago. He says he’s been hooked ever since. He likes our Legal Docket coverage and the Monday Moneybeat. And adds that he became a first-time donor this year. So thanks for that!

EICHER: And thanks to everyone who gave this year. The final numbers are in and we have once again met our goal and ended the fiscal year strong. There are a lot of exciting things on the horizon, and we couldn’t do them without your faithful support. Thanks so much.

BROWN: Well that’s it for this month’s Listener Feedback. Thanks to everyone who wrote and called in. If you have comments to share with us you can send them to And if you’re writing, why not take a moment and record your comments on your phone and send those along as well. We’ve included instructions on how to do that on our website:

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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