Listener Feedback | WORLD
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Listener Feedback


WORLD Radio - Listener Feedback

Corrections and commendations for June

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MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Today is Friday, June 28, 2024. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Myrna Brown.

NICK EICHER, HOST: And I’m Nick Eicher. Time now for Listener Feedback.

EICHER: Let’s begin with a few corrections from the month. On June 7th we misspoke during a report on the 80th commemoration of D-Day. We misidentified the grandfather of Britain’s current monarch: Charles’s grandfather is King George VI.

BROWN: Also from June 7th, a mispronunciation: We referred to “Lan-caster” Pennsylvania when we should’ve said Lank-uh-ster.

June 10th: just one word makes a big difference: We said Calvin Coolidge was elected by 54% of the popular vote. We do not misunderstand the role of the electoral college of course. We know that President Coolidge amassed 382 electoral votes which is what gave him the election and that his victory came with 54% of the popular vote—which is nice but not decisive.

On June 11th we covered Hong Kong’s continued crack-down on dissidents. We mistakenly used the phrase “Pro-democracy rallies” when we should have said “Pro-Beijing rallies.” Two totally different things.

Now on to your feedback. Dale Fenwick, Sky Valley, Georgia. His thoughts on Washington Wednesday this week…

FENWICK: Great story on the 5th District of Virginia Republican primary. Great job, but I have one suggestion. He never mentioned where the fifth district is. It is west of Richmond and includes the cities of, I think, Charlottesville and Lynchburg – just to give the listeners who have geography in mind a benchmark to understand where it’s all coming from. Otherwise great job. Keep it up. God bless you.

Another listener offered the possibility that Congressman Good’s opposition to an aid package for Israel might’ve cost him crucial votes, and that might’ve had more to do with Good’s disappointing showing than Trump’s endorsement of his opponent.

Next, we received quite a bit of mail after our June 6th interview with Gabriel Seguero on President Biden’s executive order on illegal immigration. Most thought we didn’t push back hard enough on Pastor Seguero’s position, some even thought we were endorsing his view, and some found the pushback sufficient. Here’s listener Mary Stella of Midlothian, Virginia.

STELLA: I listened to the program this morning, and I want to thank Mary Reichard for doing her best to push back on Pastor Gabriel and his idealistic vision for America that everyone who claims Asylum should be allowed to come in…and I just wanted to thank her and and thank you for the program, which is always outstanding. I appreciate it.

Next, Katie Nelson of St. Louis … nice place to live.

NELSON: I wanted to extend my appreciation for Chelsea Bose's review of the Japanese film, My neighbor Totoro…appreciated her perspective on the delicacy of sharing hard topics with children, while at the same time preparing them—like CS Lewis said—to engage with courage as we lead them in Christ. Thanks for informing WORLD families of quality entertainment that can spark those discussions.

And our last piece of listener feedback this month comes from Duncan Holmes of Fredericksburg, Texas. He left us this message about a story from last week that we’re sorry to say we missed …

HOLMES: This week we lost a great baseball Legend: Willie Mays “the Say Hey Kid.” [He was] 93 years old…I’m not a sports fan nowadays. I’m not even as much a fan of baseball as I was, but I have to admire a guy like him. He’s one of the greats of the past.


There was a song from 1954 when the Giants won the World Series. It’s called “Say Hey” and it’s a really fun song. Thank you very much. And you all keep up the good work. Do put in a little word for “Say Hey Willie.” Bye-bye.

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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