Listener Feedback | WORLD
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Listener Feedback


WORLD Radio - Listener Feedback

Reviewing comments and commendations from May

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MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Today is Friday, May 31st. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Myrna Brown.

NICK EICHER, HOST: And I’m Nick Eicher.

And now Listener Feedback for the month of May.

Let’s begin with a good word or two from Matt Brown, Tucson, Arizona:

BROWN: I’m remiss in just encouraging the staff of The World and Everything in It, in terms of just a deep appreciation for the credibility of those that you’re interviewing these days. The cast is just getting better and better, the content is getting deeper. And it’s also getting more challenging and I appreciate the counterpoints that are being brought up and I would urge you to continue that course of challenging the listener not to a monolithic stand, but rather to consider wisely and carefully what we’re facing in politics and in events and in perspective … I think it is important for us as believers to consider and we want to be found as the Bereans who are clearly and seriously considering all aspects of a story and event…it’s what’s setting you really apart.

Like the late, great ballplayer Ernie Banks used to say, let’s play two. Matt Brown chose to send two messages, and I’ll just convey his other thought, which was that he found it especially useful, a few weeks back, to hear a couple of different pro-life perspectives on politics.

BROWN: We interviewed the former abortion clinic director turned pro-life activist Abby Johnson and our Culture Friday guest today Katie McCoy, and the two of them offered different views on the value of incremental progress on abortion laws.

That and covering Israel fairly without forgetting some of the struggles of Christians caught in the middle of the conflict.

EICHER: And then this call …

CALLER: I want to thank you for acknowledging the Sherman Brothers…probably the most famous songwriters that nobody’s ever heard of…And at the end of that acknowledgement, it was mentioned that they wrote the most played song on earth…It’s a Small World After All…I don’t want to be picky…but I think that honor may go to the Hill Sisters…wrote happy birthday…

And she phoned us back a few minutes later …

CALLER: Patty and Mildred Hill did not write “Happy Birthday to You.” They wrote the tune for a song that became Happy Birthday to you. … And so I want to correct my correction, but it’s still probably the most famous tune played even though the words over time have been changed by who knows who? Thank you so much. Bye…

On the theme of multiples, this is way more than two. Many, many listeners responded to Janie B. Cheaney’s commentary on the need to fight till victory is won—citing the conflicts in the Middle East and Europe.

BROWN: Let’s just do one, but there is a baseball theme. We got this note from Mary Peters who said that Janie:

… hit [it] … out of the park. I wish every person, every politician, every protester, every pollster could've heard her succinct and provocative message.

EICHER: Next, listener Tori Carle … she likes the listener engagement and offers a tip of the cap to those who take the time to send in pre-rolls, as do we.

BROWN: And she says:

CARLE: You're in my car or on my phone every morning. My kids hear you, my husband hears you, and you have just become a part of our daily routine and our family. So thank you for, for everything that you do to put this program together because your work is just so meaningful and helps us to be informed and educated and inspired…in a biblically based way so that I can feel intelligent when I'm talking about the news of today from my Christian worldview with potential non-christians.

EICHER: Thank you all for writing, calling, and sending files.

That’s this month’s Listener Feedback.

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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