Listener Feedback | WORLD
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Listener Feedback


WORLD Radio - Listener Feedback

Corrections and commendations for April

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MYRNA BROWN, HOST: Today is Friday April 26th. Good morning! This is The World and Everything in It from listener-supported WORLD Radio. I’m Myrna Brown.

NICK EICHER, HOST: And I’m Nick Eicher. Up next: listener feedback for the month of April. We begin with corrections:

On April 16th, of course we talked about tax deductions in a tongue-in-cheek way. And it was probably too soon after the ordeal of April 15th to be lighthearted on that subject. But we need to clarify on the question of deductibility of moving expenses. There are exceptions, but for average Americans, moving expenses are not tax deductible. I checked with our CEO. He is a certified public accountant, so I think we’re good now.

BROWN: And with that here’s some additional information from a regular listener who is a Systems Analyst with the Illinois Student Assistance Commission. That’s an organization that relies on data from FAFSA applications.

In our reporting of April 17th we mentioned that many applications are two months later than usual. But according to our listener’s experience, it’s worse. He told us that with 3 in 10 applications containing data errors, his office is just now getting some of the re-processed applications. So that means many applications are more than 6-months late, and that affects a lot of people.

EICHER: Well next, April 17th, Washington Wednesday, we should have noted in our report that Nancy Mace is a U.S. representative from South Carolina’s first congressional district.

And now, a clarification from a listener in Park Rapids, Minnesota.

JOSHUA: My name is Joshua. Really appreciated your story on the Wladensians. Bringing out some forgotten heroes of the faith that have suffered. And I don’t want to be critical at all. But I wonder if the use of the word Protestant isn’t quite as they were not protesting the Catholic Church. They seem to be separate from it. I think the term Evangelical is good, but I would I would push back against the use of the word Protestant. Thanks for all you do.

BROWN: Exactly right, they were not a part of the Reformation. They predated it. And that’s why we purposely avoided the “protestant” label … though the featured historian did describe them as: “sort of the first Protestants.”

But they were persecuted by the Catholic Church, and early protestants held an affinity for the Wal-densians.

EICHER: Next this short voicemail:

STELLA: My name is Mary Stella. I listen to Midlothian, Virginia. My comment is more Lindsay Mast.

Your wish is my command! Lindsay is excellent and a great addition to our team since she came through World Journalism Institute midcareer a couple of years ago. Over the last several weeks, I’ve had my hands full with special projects and budget planning for next fiscal year, and so I’m glad not only for Lindsay’s willingness to jump in and co-host, but to do it at such a high level that she connects with you in that way. More Lindsay, you bet.

And finally, this encouraging word from listener Shelley Brinlee:

She writes:

SHELLEY: Last year around this time my mom was in the hospital in CICU. On a Friday, Myrna had shared that her dad was in a similar situation and had prayed at the end about her dad and the whole situation. It hit so close to home that I was in tears in the kitchen listening and praying along. The following Thursday my mom passed away, welcomed to heaven by her Lord and Savior.

I appreciate the weekly admonition to worship with fellow believers, and the willingness of WORLD staff to share from their own lives. God is clearly using you to help us navigate this world, while keeping our eyes fixed on Jesus. Thank you for your faithfulness to His call.

BROWN: Shelley, thank you. Your words mean so much. All this week I have been reading my prayer journal from one year ago, meditating on God’s goodness and all the love and prayers from sweet friends and listeners like you.

Thanks to everyone who wrote and called in this month. We’re so thankful that you listen, and take the time to provide thoughtful feedback.

EICHER: If you have comments to share with us you can send them to And if you’re writing, would you consider reading your comment and making an audio file attachment? You can do that or you can phone it in at 202-709-9595.

And that’s this month’s Listener Feedback!

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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