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Listener Feedback


WORLD Radio - Listener Feedback

Corrections and commendations for March 2024

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MYRNA BROWN, HOST: It’s time now for Listener Feedback which we didn’t get to because of Good Friday. So this is for the month of March.

We start with corrections and the 18th of March: Moneybeat. We discussed the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, but we put it under the wrong cabinet agency. CIFUS belongs under the Department of the Treasury.

A listener from Vietnam wrote about one of our news stories on March 21st. We mistakenly identified Hong Kong as an “island state.” It is neither island nor state. It is a peninsula and it’s been officially a “Special Administrative Region” since the UK handed it to China in 1997.

A few of you wrote in about Word Play with George Grant after he said this:

GRANT: The tale centers on the experiences of a character named Murray Tempkin. He is described as “a slim, bespeckled thirty-year-old writer…”

No, Tempkin didn’t have the measles. He didn’t have embarrassing age spots, not at age 30 anyway. George misspoke and meant of course “be-spectacled.”

Now, George, you can’t possibly feel as badly about that as I do about this. I was talking with Katie McCoy on March 15th and I was reaching in vain for a transition … when disaster struck.

EICHER: I’d like to stay in the UK for this pushback question: In Ireland, voters rejected an invitation to redefine the family...

I’ve been playing it over in my head, so why not play it again. How embarrassing! The Republic of Ireland is NOT in the United Kingdom. It’s its own country. It has been for more than 100 years. I will go to the virtual chalkboard and write that over and over.

I deserved every email that came, so thank you, friends, for being gentle.

Last month we got a lot of feedback about Washington Wednesday on March 20th. Our interview with Michael Gerhardt on the House Impeachment hearings into President Joe Biden.

We spoke with him because of his testimony as an expert witness during President Bill Clinton’s impeachment. He had been called by both Republicans and Democrats in that case as a scholar on the history of impeachment. That’s the sort of analysis we were hoping to give you about the Biden inquiry. But what we got instead was his opinion that it was a fishing expedition that had turned up no meaningful evidence.

Of course, that’s something on which competent experts disagree, but we did not present points of view that contrast with Gerhardt’s. We are working on a follow-up interview that will delve into the Republicans’ case and the evidence they’ve gathered. We look forward to presenting a fuller picture of the impeachment case very soon.

And we’ll end today’s Listener Feedback with this word from Marena Bykerk:

BYKERK: I just wanted to give you all a very delayed thanks for closing Fridays by reminding us to worship with our brothers and sisters in Christ over the weekend! It felt like an eternity over covid that your closing message was if possible or if it feels safe. Every time I hear Myrna Brown remind us that we need to gather in worship I am reminded that I have not thanked you for that reminder.

I also want to tell you how much I love the daily reminder at the end of World Watch of "Whatever the news the purpose of the Lord will stand." It always convicts me of my worry and reminds me that when life feels like it's going a little haywire, God is still in control and that I need to rejoice in that.

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” Colossians 1:16.

Thanks to everyone who wrote and called in this month. We’re so thankful that you listen, and take the time to provide thoughtful feedback.

If you have comments to share with us you can send them to And if you’re writing, would you consider reading your comment and making an audio file attachment? You can do that or you can phone it in at 202-709-9595.

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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