Kicker: The coolest movie car | WORLD
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Kicker: The coolest movie car


WORLD Radio - Kicker: The coolest movie car

NICK EICHER, HOST: What’s the coolest movie car of all time?

Hyundai recently surveyed car-loving Britons and put together a list of the greatest movie cars ever.

The top-5, working backwards:

The Tumbler Batmobile from the Dark Knight.

AUDIO: He is in a vehicle. Make and color? It’s a black … tank.

Next: The 1963 VW Beetle from Herbie The Love Bug followed by Doc Brown’s DeLorean, number three, from Back to the Future.

AUDIO: Are you telling you me you built a time machine out of a Delorean? The way I see it, if you’re gonna build a time machine into car, why not do it with some style?!

The flying Paragon Panther from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang was number two.

And, remember, the survey sample is from the UK, so number one is no surprise: Double-oh-seven’s 1964 Aston Martin—with a few modifications.

AUDIO: Smokescreen, oil slick, real bulletproof screen and left and right front wing machine guns.

That car, by the way, was recently sold at auction for a cool $2.6 million!

It’s The World and Everything in It.

(Photo/Warner Bros.)

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