Kicker: Team of twins | WORLD
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Kicker: Team of twins


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Team of twins

A Kansas high school fields four sets of twins on its football team

Sinenkiy/iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

NICK EICHER, HOST: Sports creates a brotherhood of sorts. But for one high school football team in Wichita, sports brotherhood takes on a whole new meaning.

There’re four sets of twins on the same team! The coach is Corbin Milleson. You’re gonna have to get good with names, bud. The audio from 12-News KWCH:

MILLESON: It’s hard enough to learn 90 kids’ names. To have eight of those kids look just like another player is a little more daunting.

We’re talking the brothers Kincaid, O’Bar, Brashear, and Simmons. Height and weight differences help the coach a bit, and I’m guessing the numbers are helpful, too. But, you know, they’re not always in uniform as the O’Bar brothers point out.

O’BAR: If I had the same hair as him, we would be pretty hard to tell apart.

There is fifth twin on the team. Good thing for coach his brother’s a basketball player.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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