Kicker - Swan delays | WORLD
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Kicker - Swan delays


WORLD Radio - Kicker - Swan delays

A stubborn bird perched on a busy London train track complicated a recent morning commute

Artush/iStock image

NICK EICHER, HOST: Thousands of Londoners were running late on Monday after numerous underground trains were delayed for more than an hour.

Now, you might guess that the cause of the delay was a technical problem or maybe pandemic staffing shortages, but no.

The culprit was a really stubborn swan.

The bird parked itself on one of the tracks at London’s South Acton station and refused to move.

Fourteen trains were canceled or rerouted while workers tried to convince the bird to leave the tracks.

They finally managed to wrangle the bird and turned it over to rescuers with London Wildlife Protection.

They said the swan was underweight and may have been disoriented. Rescuers kept it overnight and the bird was back on track!

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