Kicker: Sign wars | WORLD
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Kicker: Sign wars


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Sign wars

Fast food restaurants wage a war of words


NICK EICHER, HOST: You know how fast food places have those big signs with the changeable letters out front?

You hardly notice them unless there’s a letter missing.

But the fast food signs in Marshfield, Missouri are drawing plenty of attention! In fact, they’ve gone viral.

It all started when a McDonald’s put up a sign with a message aimed at a nearby Dairy Queen. It asked, “Hey DQ, do you want to have a sign war?”

The Dairy Queen responded: “We [would] but we’re [too] busy making ice cream.”

McDonald’s shot back: “That’s cute. Our ice cream makes itself.”

The Dairy Queen sign then read, “You mean it actually works? Shocker.”

Then Domino’s Pizza weighed in: “Your signs are cheesy just like our pizza.”

And Wendy’s went after McDonald’s: “How long does it take to thaw that frozen beef?”

It appears things are getting a bit salty in Marshfield, like McDonalds’ famous french fries.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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