Kicker - Seafood buffet | WORLD
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Kicker - Seafood buffet


WORLD Radio - Kicker - Seafood buffet

Some sneaky sea lions break into a salmon farm to enjoy a feast

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NICK EICHER, HOST: Who doesn’t love a good buffet? Especially when the food is fresh!

Well, dozens of sea lions in western Canada recently enjoyed a fresh fish buffet, compliments of a salmon farm.

The sea lions managed to slip past electric fences and netting to feast on the thousands of fish collected in the manmade pond.

The farm says this isn’t the first time the predators have made their way inside. And it’s difficult to do it, but even easier to get out—plenty of exits available.

So far, the sea lions have shown no interest in leaving.

After all, it’s hard to turn down a free all-you-can-eat buffet!

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