Kicker: Record-breaking game of catch | WORLD
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Kicker: Record-breaking game of catch


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Record-breaking game of catch

The father-son pair chose to take a passing drill to another level


NICK EICHER, HOST: Perhaps after your Thanksgiving meal you went outside for a friendly game of catch. But you likely didn’t set records as did the Hanavans—the father-and-son duo in Montana.

Audio here from TV station KPAX.

LOGAN: It was a buzzer-beater.

RYAN: It was a buzzer-beater it was right at the at the buzzer.

Dad Ryan is a Lacrosse coach. Son Logan plays on the team. They decided to take a passing drill to another level: standing 25 feet apart they passed two balls back and forth with lacrosse sticks. In a single minute, they did that forty times!

Guinness accepted their accomplishment as an official world record, but the two expect to be outdone soon.

RYAN: And that's our hope is that people will rise up and beat us so that gives us something to try and beat back right we want to do well, yeah.

LOGAN: I want more of a challenge.

RYAN: Yeah.

If they want more of a challenge, they could try it while running down the field, or while blindfolded, or with one hand tied behind their back, or in a field with a raging bull, or under water, or while eating french fries...

It’s The World and Everything in It.

WORLD Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline. This text may not be in its final form and may be updated or revised in the future. Accuracy and availability may vary. The authoritative record of WORLD Radio programming is the audio record.


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