Kicker: Raining mammals | WORLD
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Kicker: Raining mammals


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Raining mammals

Unusually cold weather in Houston caused some animals to fall from the sky

Mary Warwick, wildlife director for the Houston Humane Society, holds a Mexican free-tailed bat as it recovers from last week’s freeze on Tuesday, Dec. 27, 2022 in Houston. Elizabeth Conley/Houston Chronicle via Associated Press

NICK EICHER, HOST: It wasn’t raining cats and dogs in Houston this week. It was raining bats!

The unusual cold caused the flying mammals to go into hypothermic shock and fall to the ground.

Mary Warwick is wildlife director at the Houston Humane Society.

Worried, she drove to where she knew a colony lived. More than a hundred bats were lying on the ground, seemingly dead.

She scooped them into a box and rescued them. But she just kept getting calls. Call after call and she really didn’t have the space, so Warwick had to get creative.

By Wednesday, it warmed up and she released 1,500 bats back to their homes. Was it hard to let them go?

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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