Kicker - Pants protecting parking | WORLD
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Kicker - Pants protecting parking


WORLD Radio - Kicker - Pants protecting parking

NICK EICHER, HOST: Parking is such a premium in Chicago… 

REICHARD: How premium is it?

I’m glad you asked. People will do just about anything to hang on to a street parking spot and here’s the latest “just about anything.” Standing up a pair of frozen pants in the street just to try to call dibs on a parking space.

SELZER: I also froze a couple of shirts.

That’s Adam Selzer talking with CBS 2 in Chicago about his creative approach to reserving his parking spot.

You have to understand, in Chicago people have been known to toss traffic cones, even furniture out into their coveted spaces to make sure someone else didn’t nab it. I mean, take the furniture but leave the parking spot.

REICHARD: Don’t I know it. You know this is illegal if not always enforced.

Probably why Selzer came up with this idea. Maybe there’s no law against clothing. It’s pretty simple, he says, just soak a pair of blue jeans, put them outside for 20 minutes, then they’re firm enough to start shaping them. And 20 more minutes later—frozen solid.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

(Photo/Adam Selzer, Twitter)

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