Kicker - Making lemonade from life’s lemons | WORLD
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Kicker - Making lemonade from life’s lemons


WORLD Radio - Kicker - Making lemonade from life’s lemons

NICK EICHER, HOST: Last summer, 7-year-old Liza Scott opened up a lemonade stand at her mom’s bakery near Birmingham, Ala.  She spent her earnings on, well, exactly what you’d expect would strike the fancy of a 7-year-old girl—new toys and sequined high-heels. 

Months later, the bouncy little girl is still in business, but now the money is going toward something entirely different. Listen carefully here, you’ll hear a reference to a “brain thingy.”

MAN: So what’s the money going to go for?
LIZA: For my, uh, brain thingy, whatever it’s called.

Yes, what she’s talking about is the brain surgery she’s having next week at Boston Children’s Hospital.

Turns out, Liza had been suffering a series of seizures, and doctors determined cerebral malformations were causing them.

Her mom, Elizabeth, said Liza wasn’t expected to help out with costs. She just wanted to. 

Her little stand has brought in more than $12,000 in a few days—nearly all through donations.

And her efforts have helped to raise broader awareness of her situation. Friends, family, and others who have been touched by Liza’s story have already donated more than $300,000.

BROWN: So touching.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

(AP Photo/Jay Reeves) Elizabeth Scott and her 7-year-old daughter Liza Scott, who is running a lemonade stand to help fund her own brain surgery, are shown at the woman’s bakery in Homewood, Ala., on Tuesday, March 2, 2021. 

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