Kicker: Luggage fowl | WORLD
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Kicker: Luggage fowl


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Luggage fowl

Airport security makes an unusual find inside a raw chicken

Airport security check before flight Photo/iStock

NICK EICHER, HOST: Have you ever been stuck in the TSA line as airport security rifles through someone’s bag looking for contraband?

Usually, it’s nothing.

But for one recent air traveler, it was something.

TSA officers at a South Florida airport this week found a raw chicken inside someone’s luggage--though believe it or not, the raw chicken wasn’t the issue.

Turns out you can do that so long as it’s on ice.

No, what really got the TSA’s attention was the fact that inside the raw chicken was a handgun.

That you cannot do. If you’re packing heat, no amount of ice is going to clear you.

TSA didn’t report whether this particular traveler got arrested. But I’ve got to believe this passenger is skating on thin ice if you know what I mean.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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