Kicker: Lots of lizards | WORLD
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Kicker: Lots of lizards


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Lots of lizards

A man receives a package that is definitely not his

NICK EICHER, HOST: Chances are, you’ve had the experience of package delivery confusion, having someone else’s delivery wind up at your door instead.

You might have even opened it up before you realized, “this isn’t mine.”

Few days ago, a New Yorker was particularly startled when he opened a package that wasn’t his because inside were several live lizards.

Port Chester Police received a call about the reptiles just after noon on Saturday. Why the police?

Officers posted a picture on the department’s Facebook page of three dark-colored lizards held in a large white container.

They held them until a local animal sanctuary could pick them up for safekeeping.

I just wish we had audio of the 911 call on that.

We don’t. What would it have sounded like if you’d made the call, Myrna?!

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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