Kicker: Lost and found | WORLD
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Kicker: Lost and found


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Lost and found

A wedding ring dropped in a river is discovered and returned a year later

Jelena Stanojkovic/iStock/Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

NICK EICHER: You know that sinking feeling when you drop something in deep, murky water and it … sinks?

It’s been a year since Megan Beane accidentally dropped her wedding ring into the Stono River in South Carolina. This is her husband, Chris on WCBD-TV:

CHRIS BEANE: I figured that all that sediment and sand being kicked up, it was just going to be buried deep in the sand, and it was gone.

Plot twist: recently, a boy and his dad were out hunting for shark teeth in the same area, and guess what? I’ll let the boy tell it. His name is Rivers Pardee, and he’s 9.

RIVERS PARDEE: It was like, just a little shiny thing sticking up.

So his dad cleaned it up, his mom posted details to social media, and Megan Beane has her ring back. Ed Pardee, the father, said the whole episode was a great life lesson:

ED PARDEE: Just being a good person. Wanted to show my kids, you know, to do the right thing and stuff like that.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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