Kicker: Keeping her cool and her coat | WORLD
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Kicker: Keeping her cool and her coat


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Keeping her cool and her coat

A woman’s coat was caught on a store’s rising metal shutters, and she went up with it

19Thunvar / iStock / Getty Images Plus via Getty Images

NICK EICHER, HOST: Putting up the shutters for the night is a great safety precaution for any shopkeeper wary of break-ins. But the morning reopening routine ought to have a safety protocol of its own.

Consider the case of Anne Hughes over in the U.K.

Early one morning a week or so ago, she was waiting for the store to open so she could get to work. The boss went in through the back door and cranked up the motor to raise the heavy metal shutters out front when they snagged Anne’s coat and started lifting her up, too.

Before she knew it, she was dangling upside down several feet from the pavement. Anne kept her cool, but she did call out to the shopkeeper: ah, little help, little help here.

Audio from the BBC:

ANNE HUGHES: And then I screamed his name. And thank goodness he came out.

Props to the boss for letting her down gently and then making her famous by posting the surveillance video, which went viral.

It’s The World and Everything in It.

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