Kicker: Interrupting the game | WORLD
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Kicker: Interrupting the game


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Interrupting the game

Soccer fans in Norway protest the use of video referee tools

NICK EICHER, HOST: You know, technology is supposed to help. Over the weekend soccer fans in Norway said, “Stop helping!”

That’s my rough translation. They actually kicked up such a fuss they were able to stop a game.

SOUND: [Foreign language announcer]

It was a protest against VAR, Video Assistant Referee. Multiple cameras set up around the field to allow review of close or controversial plays.

But fans complain that it’s time-consuming and disrupts the natural ebb and flow of a game.

So they returned the favor, eventually getting the game suspended by raining down fish cakes on the pitch, and tennis balls, and smoke bombs, pretty much whatever they could get their hands on.

Fans vow to keep interrupting to protest the interruptions … so they can watch without interruption.

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