Kicker: Hardly a dime a dozen | WORLD
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Kicker: Hardly a dime a dozen


WORLD Radio - Kicker: Hardly a dime a dozen

A one-of-a-kind dime fetches a hefty sum at auction

NICK EICHER, HOST: Take away the “S” in “dimes,” and you’ve got less money, right? Well, in this case, no. That missing “S” is where the value is.

Three sisters in Ohio just auctioned off a 1975 dime so rare, there’s only one other known to exist. What makes it special? This dime was struck by the San Francisco mint but is missing the “S” mark usually stamped right above the date.

The sisters inherited the coin from their brother, who’d stashed it in a bank vault as a family financial safety net—and what a sturdy one.

After 40 years, it paid off handsomely. The final auction price: $506,250—not a bad return on a dime.

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