Kicker - Gaming grandpa | WORLD
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Kicker - Gaming grandpa


WORLD Radio - Kicker - Gaming grandpa

NICK EICHER, HOST: A video game aficionado in China is becoming a global sensation.

Yang Binglin is not a professional gamer. He just really loves video games and has beaten games hundreds of times. 

Not unheard of among teenagers. 

But Binglin, well, he’s no teenager. He’s the gaming grandpa—86 years old. 

He started playing games with his grandson twenty years ago and got hooked. Binglin said he’s played every afternoon ever since, unless he’s traveling. 

He’s collected more than 200,000 followers on China’s social-media networks. 

And as all good grandpas do, he’s got some advice for the younger ones. Don’t spend all day with these games. One hour, two hours, take a break. You can always come back the next day.

You can take it from Binglin: He’s had more than 7,000 next days with video games.

It’s The World and Everything in It.


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